I am reposting what I posted early this morning (1.52am) for the daytime anons -
Anons, like most of you I was bummed out completely when I saw what was happening with the house. But then I rang a friend in Texas up who has a 50,000 ft view of things and lives up there (metaphorically speaking) 24/7. Here is his take on things (though not verbatim):
First of all lets get this one item out of the way….
Republicans don't know how to fight dirty!
Now the rest… The most important part of the mid-terms was to keep the Senate. Why? Because they are the ones that vote on the Supreme Court nominees. And the Senate also are in charge of Treaties and other International Law jurisdictions. Without the Senate as the Ethics 'gatekeeper', so to speak, this country would have been fucked badly and it would all have been downhill from there. To prove that point, where did Trump hold most of his rallies and for which candidate? House or Senate candidate?
Next, DC is as corrupt as fuck. The thing that will burn many of those who hold seats now is the pedophilia shit. And a lot of those seats which will be affected are Democratic. There will be republicans affected by this shit too but not as many (see how many Dems/Republicans resigned or 'retired' in the last year). The Weiner laptop is the key in this area.
This will be broadcast on the news, most likely - they just won't be able to help themselves. Do any of you remember what they do before showing something really disturbing on the TV? They warn the viewer about the content before showing it (actually guaranteeing that the viewer will watch it).
What did some of the Q drops say? 'We will have a choice whether to know or not'.
There is your 'choice'.
By watching you are actually choosing to do so. What will most likely be shown is the child sacrifice video(s) with Huma and Hillary in it. Why will this be shown? So that those images stay with people for the rest of their lives. Why?
Well, it looks like people in general are not at the point of really understanding the evil that is in the system… yet. YOU guys know but the general public have no clue. So we have not hit rock bottom yet in terms of wanting to end this evil once and for all because many have not seen the evil that lurks right in front of their noses and in those that they 'elect'. Hence the 'revelations' about the Satanic shit that we anons know about.
People need to be bought up to the point of revulsion in even thinking about voting Democrat. Hillary=Democrat. Huma=Democrat. Overlay that with the Kavanaugh proceedings…. and they are not there yet.
So what happens when people in the House start getting arrested for pedophilia? The Governor of that state where that person was elected can appoint an interim congressman/woman until the next election cycle, which can be in 2 or 4 years time. No elections by the public required. BONUS - The new congressman/woman does not have to be from the party that was elected. It is at the Governor's discretion as to who s/he appoints.
Next…. has anyone noticed what happened in the Senate race where Diane Feinstein was running? No one opposed her. Well, someone did but it was another Democrat! Why? Maybe she is going to be arrested for treason to do with selling out to the Chinese…. California looks like it is going to have a Republican Governor!
So there are many layers to this and much time involved to figure out what 'really needs to be done to get rid of the cancer that infests DC now. I suspect that that is why Trump is saying in his latest tweet that 'we did well'.
Does anyone think that this was going to be over after yesterday? Of course not. Between 2016 and yesterday that was Act 1.
We are now in Act 2. That will take us to 2020.
How many times has Q said enjoy the show?????
This work that we are doing here has only just started. Are you all still up for it???
Last of all, let me put something into perspective….. I have no idea how POTUS was able to travel so extensively these last couple of weeks because last Thursday I spent 9 hours straight on my feet, runnning up and down stairs, printing out 980 sheets of double-sided 12 x 18 inch paper and then spent 4 days in bed because of the toll it took on my body and I am only 56!!!
Trump is a lot older than me, has a million times more responsibility, has danger aimed at him 24/7, he runs a great Country and is dealing with a huge amount of crap yet can joke at his rallies and look sprightly doing it. For what? For all of you. How does he do it? I have no fucking clue - but I suspect its because he loves doing it, which means he loves all of you Americans, even the bad apples.