Anonymous ID: 6976a5 Confirmation Bias alert. Nov. 7, 2018, 5:25 a.m. No.3779330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well well well. Was the vote much more secure than the last time?


Sure they manage to catch a few cheater but the damage was already done. They also adapted theirs comm to pull this off leaving the good guy in the dark. KeK, We have it all my ass. I believe what I can see, the rest is just interesting speculation.


Anyway I hope that the guardians managing this operation understand that the other side will hold people hostage, they will cheat and do even worst… When the other side is ready, willing and able to do whatever it take you cannot fight them with both your arm behind your back. Patriot have been biding theirs time in the hope they would not have to dirty theirs hand……… Pic related