Anonymous ID: ba9847 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.3779464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YO DUMBASSES! I should probably let you know that every 2 years this house is back up for election. Senators hold office for 6 years so getting senate seats is way tougher and way better also this takes us one step closer to getting a super majority. Statistically most presidents don't make gains in the midterms especially not their first. The House is very volatile and tends to flip back and forth regularly.





It's very rare to make gains like this in your first midterm. The nationwide ballot in the house is democrats around 8%, whereas in the senate we turned that around for gains to what number I'm not sure. According to previous trends we should have lost 1-2 senate seats. If we did we might no have a majority at all, why do you think POTUS was rallying for senators and not as much for house members? Why was he rallying and campaigning in the states where senators were running? If POTUS had exhausted himself bumping congressman in the polls we might have had a chance to keep congress (though probably lost anyways) but lost the senate instead which is vastly more important. This is what it would have looked like if he had campaigned for congressman.


Rs win between 215 and 240 in the house

Ds win senate 51-49


Instead we have a much better scenario


Ds control house 230-200 or so +30 for Ds

Rs control senate 54-46 +3 for Rs


I can't imagine the horror if we didn't have POTUS at all. it would be like this


Ds win like 45 in house

Ds win like 2-3 senate


Honestly the senate should be sucking Trump's dick right now for saving their asses. Well done republicans we showed up in great numbers and won seats we had no right to.

Anonymous ID: ba9847 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.3779555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9711

YO DUMBASSES! I should probably let you know that every 2 years this house is back up for election. Senators hold office for 6 years so getting senate seats is way tougher and way better also this takes us one step closer to getting a super majority. Statistically most presidents don't make gains in the midterms especially not their first. The House is very volatile and tends to flip back and forth regularly.





It's very rare to make gains like this in your first midterm. The nationwide ballot in the house is democrats around 8%, whereas in the senate we turned that around for gains to what number I'm not sure. According to previous trends we should have lost 1-2 senate seats. If we did we might no have a majority at all, why do you think POTUS was rallying for senators and not as much for house members? Why was he rallying and campaigning in the states where senators were running? If POTUS had exhausted himself bumping congressman in the polls we might have had a chance to keep congress (though probably lost anyways) but lost the senate instead which is vastly more important. This is what it would have looked like if he had campaigned for congressman.


Rs win between 215 and 240 in the house

Ds win senate 51-49


Instead we have a much better scenario


Ds control house 230-200 or so +30 for Ds

Rs control senate 54-46 +3 for Rs


I can't imagine the horror if we didn't have POTUS at all. it would be like this


Ds win like 45 in house

Ds win like 2-3 senate


Honestly the senate should be sucking Trump's dick right now for saving their asses. Well done republicans we showed up in great numbers and won seats we had no right to.