Anonymous ID: fc73e0 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:15 a.m. No.3779218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9238 >>9255

Islam is a Christian heresy which is based on the same principles (model) of Christianity: erect a central figure (Jesus/Muhammad), imbue this figure with a "pattern of conduct" and aspire to emulate that conduct. This is all idol worship and is actually forbidden by Moses in the Ten Commandments because it leads to bloodshed/death, which is precisely what Christianity (presently benign) and Islam (still current) manufacture(d).


The Qur'an is a forgery from Syro-Aramaic Christian strophic hymns which were very poorly translated into Arabic. The actual suras, when read in their original Syriac, is all based in Christianity. Muhammad likely never existed; he only became an "idol" in the late 7th century.


The actual Arabian conqueror upon whose power Muhammad was based on was a sexually depraved warlord that essentially slaughtered Jews (whom they "hijacked" the god of Abraham narrative from) and only tolerated Christians to the point where they either eventually accept Islam or likewise be killed.


The fatal catastrophe of Islam is twofold:

  1. Idol worship of Muhammad: Muslims don't understand what idol worship actually is. Idols are not physical objects, they are psychological constructs. Muhammad (who never existed and was invented later to replace Jesus as the central figure) is a psychological idol that Muslims (unknowingly) worship for a living.

  2. "Believing" the Qur'an to be the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word directly dictated by their god "Allah". This belief is the central and most prominent destabilizing element in human civilization: it imbues a man-made book (deriving a man-made sharia-law, which is absolutely barbaric) with divine status which over-rides all other nations' laws which Muslims belief are man-made and inferior.


This is what makes Islam 100% backwards:

  1. Islam is not PEACE, but PERPETUAL WAR

  2. Islam is man-made thinking it is their duty to destroy "other" man-made laws, forcing untold amounts of bloodshed

  3. Muslims have a phobia of hearing/dealing with criticisms of Islam (and the idol they worship) and so they imbue others as having this phobia in order to forcibly suppress discourse (which is fascism and caused WW2 - Hitler was a puppet for Islam and their burning desire to kill Jews from whom were stolen the scriptures/prophets, calling them their own and topping it all of with their own Arabian prophet.

  4. Islam, as an institution, breaks every single one of the ten commandments as given by Moses (killing, coveting women, coveting goods (jizya) etc.) 5. Muslims develop a supremacist "us" vs. a belittling "them" attitude based on the principle division of "believer" vs. "unbeliever". For such reasons, and many more, Islam is literally and wholly a mental illness which is caused by sexual degeneracy: it is the same degeneracy the Arabian conqueror had which was absolute disdain for women aside from using them as sex objects. This is the fundamental root of all global depravity: Islam operates underground human trafficking networks which are frequented by wealthy politicians, business owners, media etc. who, in exchange for sexual services, are employed (knowingly or unknowingly) to expand Islam "cause of Allah" which means endless war and bloodshed.


Eating the forbidden fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good/evil means giving in to ones own sexual lust (Eve) such that the brain (Adam) degenerates and they "die", which is precisely what happened to the Arabian conqueror upon whom the idol Muhammad is based. It is for this reason Muslims are generally similarly deprived of ability to discern truth (fact) from untruth (belief) and is the basis for the entire global Left (which is infiltrated by Islam) basing decisions on emotions (what they want/believe to be) rather than on facts (what is true). This has always been, and always will be the degenerative pathology of Islam.