For all you concern faggots and shill who are claiming that a red wave never materialized, you are dead fucking wrong. There absolutely WAS a huge red wave, and it crashed right into a huge blue wave. The two opposing waves essentially neutralized each other, causing a split decision…which was probably the best case scenario, even in the most optimistic projections. If our red wave had never materialized, the blue wave would have been massive…with the house and Senate gone, enormous pick-ups in the House, plus key Governor's races like FL & GA. Impeachment would have been likely, SCOTUS nominations (including Kav retroactively), and the hard left would have been jubilant and energized. We had a wave, they had a wave…the crashed together, we won. Enjoy the show from here.
"hell my state became BLUER"
Mine too (IL). But all the more reason to bail on this place ASAP and move to more hospitable climes. Crowded…Corrupt…Crime-ridden. Why am I even still here???