Anonymous ID: c4d224 Nov. 7, 2018, 7 a.m. No.3780554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I agree with you 100%


>I was led to believe once the vote-rigging was fixed, we'd see MOST of the country is actually red. That didn't happen. So either 1/2 the country really is a bunch of brainless NPC's, or the vote rigging is still going strong.

look at it this way anon - we are at the tail end of a lengthy cycle of liberalism (in the negative sense)….all of the psy-ops of the past 4 or 5 decades were designed to get us to a point where an HRC type would be elected, accepted and able to complete (make final) the movements away from our core political documents (and more importantly our western values). THEY LOST. to some extent because of us and people like us.

and they cannot recover and quickly come back to where they were. because the rest of us are awake now. sure plenty of solid blue voters. those who are hopeless in terms of value set and core beliefs. but the expansion of that value set to new people is definitively halted (it was already failing, hence the need for FEMA camps).

and now we are part of the repair and reconstruction process. we are part of the reintroduction of western values if only as gadflies (socrates was often referred to as a gadfly) and cheerleaders; american values. we need to make our time count the next 2 years.