Anonymous ID: 1e2c26 Nov. 7, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.3780914   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Locked & Loaded?

We have it all?


It's more like we are Hetty Green and are too miserly to spend what we have.


Tired of all the resetting of timelines and expectations. So now its 11-11. Great, Potus will shake hands with Putin and it will be the shot heard round the world.


I love you POTUS & the Q team - but my taffy has been pulled thin.


Going to sit and watch for awhile.

Anonymous ID: 1e2c26 Nov. 7, 2018, 7:41 a.m. No.3781195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1212 >>1338


My biggest disappointment is with the same results that you have mentioned. With all of the success of POTUS, all the memes, all the research, walkaway, vote protection…


And still 49% or so of the electorate still voted for the Dems. Unfucking believable!


POTUS with his dozens of rallies - millions of views and hundreds of thousands who attended or tried - and our country still can't figure it out.


Good thing ammo is back in production - putting my BHO prep plan BACK into play.


Q - I think you were optimistic when you said 4-6% are lost. I really DO pray that our country can be saved - but stupid is forever and we have way too many stupid.