Pelosi's vote fraud has been out in the open for at least three years. Refresher:
>BTW be very very very careful about HRC saying how she is all-in with Pelosi. Nancy's game from the beginning was to be in on the fixed game. She lost control of her caucus 2/3 or whom were pissed off at the deal she cut, so she changed tactics.
>I come out of the House Democratic leadership under 3 Democratic speakers as well as working 6 years for Lloyd Bentsen. I know how the game is played and I know how the fix was in, because I helped fix games under some of the best such as Tip and Jim Wright.
>The Democratic base, labor union workers, liberals may not understand the nuances and sophistication about how these fixes are done, but they are madder than hell because they intuit this, they know they are getting a rotten deal, and I love Nancy like a mother and have been one of her most devout supporters…..but there are reasons Democrats have been lobotomized in the House and if Hillary goes into the election with negative ratings and lower trust she may back into the presidency if the Republicans are bad enough, maybe not, but Dems don't have a snowballs chance in hell of taking back the House….would be lucky with a 25% chance to get back the Senate……and Hillary winning this way may be like Krushchev's line about the living may envy dead and HRC may not be thrilled spending precious years on her hands and knees moving further right under Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader McConnell……
>It is smart-ass fixes like we are seeing now on trade that make insiders feel clever and make Democratic voters distrust Democratic politicians and stay home…….