Anonymous ID: 929765 Nov. 7, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.3780905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1048


hehehe well they are just doing theyre shilly job, fussy lil shills. I believe the proper term for that this day is "Shake that shill of ya shoulder" (Fucking hate that some of the quotes I grew up with are from evil POS like Jz) – but hey, if the lyrics work they work.


Have a great day fellow Patriot in the frozen north,


fun story for ya, car tire went flat in parking lot yesterday 3 people aided me, 2 of them are already Q lovers, the third was woke too but hadn't heard of how to get on these boards… so I helped with that - One said they started finding Q when a worker truck pulled up beside her months ago with a HUGE Q sign on his rear window…