Empty stretcher unloaded from ambulance to hospital reported as a victim: https:// photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPwVYhjVCt3YSrTbmSM_sB-HzYhtOWd81QwI5rgsKTiDuIHkCf-ZDOjHyv03eO5mg?key=MllRbjlidjRWVFQzVlV1V3RxX2tUcUtCbXJhMnh3
Copy 3 reported, 2 in custody one in hospital. they got those bastards.
"hunt for" was removed…doesn't necessarily mean they they were 'over the target' Still thinking the submarine ties into Red October
>>378460 <ASSHAT
Thanks mate
they have Red October in sight, Q's 9/7/1776 post
where are the tweets?? Sick fucks!