Anonymous ID: 8a7fa1 Nov. 7, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.3781459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1493 >>1524 >>1531 >>1651 >>1750 >>1946 >>1994 >>2175

Midterms Were A Population Test For 2020 - Insight Gained


All in all, important upgrades in the Senate last night, and some losses in the House. But let's remember that many R's in the House resigned [forced]. Better to have an un-compromised D in the House than a Deep State puppet R.


There was no RedTsunami, there was however a Blue Wave that hit a Red Wall, and some Blue got over. That a Blue Wave even happened is remarkable, but it goes to show what we are up against. Americans who are ignorant from the Fake News are in fact the greatest threat to We The People. They have seen Trump prove himself to be the great emancipator and defender, but they have chosen to reject him, fully their own volition (Stockholm Syndrome?).


What was most disconcerting/revealing to me is that the country seems as divided as the Fake News projects (by the numbers). It is of course the Fake News that very successfully fostered that divide/hate. And it less about the country, and more about the major cities vs suburbs/rural/smaller towns. Insanity is bred in echo chambers (cities).


In Texas, we saw Cruz win by only 200k votes against someone more radical than Bernie Sanders–in TEXAS!!! Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and El Paso all went to Beto 2:1. This implies that the bigger the city, the more brainwashed the people are. Everywhere outside of these cities, RED. Texas has seen huge population growth from illegals, and California and New York. The people that leave CA/NY for Texas do so because it is impossible to make enough money to live well in CA/NY. Yet they vote for the same type of idiots they voted for in CA/NY that fostered the conditions that made them leave for Texas.


What this all boils down to is that last night we learned the hard truth of what America really thinks and feels, under a secure vote, and 40%+ of people are insane/mentally ill.


This insanity can be traced back most recently to 9/11, which was a mass-scale MK/trauma based ritual (among so many other things). This is where the Fake News & the Deep State were able to create the NPC/the mind-controlled American borg-citizen.


In this anon's humble opinion, the only way to overcome/heal the amnesiac barrier of these Americans is to declas 9/11 and force the Fake News to cover truthfully with leverage. Delusional people need to be shocked out of their programming, out of their fractured psyche, and the only way to do that is with the truth being unavoidable for them. Until 9/11 is dealt with collectively as a country (this is the true origin of this divide), until the 40% of mentally ill Americans stop living in denial, it is going to be very difficult to give POTUS the support of the people he deserves and needs. At least now, we have Q, we have each other, and we have the advantage. Perhaps the one positive of having so many American-borg hate POTUS is that it ultimately protects him. Think of the danger to him if America loved him like Kennedy.