Anonymous ID: d4f19f Nov. 7, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.3782068   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How much do I have to SPLAIN to you, Anons?


POTUS already set things up for 2020 by:


  1. Hoping that Pelosi get the gavel and makes a mess of things for 2 years so that we all get a real strong sense of their failing ways to go nuts and get EVERYONE out to vote her and the shills out permanently


  1. That he sets her up for a real beating every day by slamming her indirectly and all her idiot children


  1. By slamming her, he accidentally sees her have a stroke and have to be carried away forever


  1. By working the Senate, he gets even more ammo for 2020 by seeing all of Schumers idiots do all kinds of things to mess up their party even worse that Pelosi can do




Do you think that POTUS/MI/DOJ/Q initiates ANYTHING without completed plans, and contingency plans


Later when this is all over, you will see POTUS reveal exactly what they planned since 2014 when he was first recruited!


You are operating with less than half a loaf of information, and that was given to you by Q


Quit biting the hand that feeds you and appreciate that your bread, which you did not have before Q, is buttered for you!


Be grateful for what you know. And we know a lot! And be grateful that you don't have to wait years to know why and what and when, to the degrees that those things can be revealed to us who are children by the looks of it.


Be of good cheer! If it wasn't true, you would have been told that. We will win, because God wins, but the battle is a BATTLE, so shut up, sit down, eat what you are given and remain faithful to that which you believed in the beginning, because the battle is won in places you don't know by people you barely know who have your interests at HEART!


Remain faithful or you will suffer like those who have NO HOPE!