JEFF SESSIONS: A Bush plant, SES pawn and agent of Deep State
AG Sessions is a swamp rat who slyly presented himself as a patriot and
friend of Trump but is really a globalist.
August 24, 2018
Hindsight has shown the nation conclusively that Jeff Sessions was a total setup from the very beginning.
It never really made any sense that the very conservative U.S. Senator from Alabama (i.e. from the real Deep South) would climb on board the Trump train…especially so early in the campaign season.
In point of fact, Sessions early support of Trump was completely at odds with his political persona and mousey approach to life in the Senate.
Clearly, something was amiss in the relationship struck between Candidate Trump and Senator Sessions. And it’s quite likely that other agents of Deep State were feeding Trump hogwash about Sessions’ loyalty all the while. Stealthily gaining Trump’s trust in this deceitful way surely compelled the president to appoint Sessions Attorney General—the single biggest mistake of his term.
There’s no question that Trump’s survival instincts have served him extremely well up until now. However, with a full-scale war being waged by the DOJ, FBI and CIA with the blessing of his own AG, things are about to get very dicey indeed. If the subversive Jeff Sessions will perpetrate what he already has in broad daylight, what is he doing behind the scenes. Truly, Sessions has proven himself to be the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. Hence, SESSIONS CANNOT BE FIRED SOON ENOUGH!
Once Sessions is fired, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein can be terminated from government service as well. Then Special Counsel Robert Mueller can be expeditiously relieved of his scandalous duties as a prelude to the termination of the Special Counsel investigation of 2017. The longer any of these corrupt characters are permitted in the building, the greater the constitutional crisis it will be. And the nation has already reached a breaking point a number of times during Trump’s presidency.
It’s of paramount importance to acknowledge that there are multiple conspiracies unfolding simultaneously throughout the 50 states between now and Election Day. The CIA’s Mockingbird Media has already warned the American people that violent attacks are expected against the mainstream media. They have also put out that Trump will be held responsible for any violence against journalists and/or MSM property in view of his unceasing yet entirely true presidential proclamation: THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!