People too stupid to understand something usually view it as crazy, anon.
>That it's perfectly reasonable and in-line with Trump's MO to have planned on using Sessions in that role for a limited time?
>That replacing him allowed an instant pivot, replacing RR's control over things with a pro-trump and narrative-neutral figure?
>That Sessions was still silently cleaning up MS-13 death squads and signing off on the FBI/DOJ firing?
>That "Trust Sessions" was referring to his "stealth" role that he would be playing?
>That he was able to accomplish so much and exit with such precise timing, with absolutely no harmful leaks, speaks volumes?
>That only an idiot would assume "Trust Sessions" is somehow invalidated because he has stepped down after 2 years of fulfilling the primary roles that Q repeatedly told us to trust him to do?
I dunno, take your fucking pick you retard.