Gowdy interview with Bret Baier - transcript:
"Every prosecutor has jurisdictional boundaries. I don't know a single prosecutor that does not. And Mueller's jurisdictional boundaries were set by Rod Rosenstein in the memo that you HAVE seen, and they were altered and amended in the memo that we have NOT seen. There has never been a prosecutor who had unfettered power to go and investigate whatever the heck he or she wanted to do. If you're a state prosecutor, you can't investigate federal crimes. If you're in New York, you can't investigate things in Idaho. So the notion that we're gonna create a special counsel that has no boss, no jurisdictional strictures at all, is just typical Chuck Schumer, and I think it's why so few people take him seriously."
(Bret Baier asks about Rosenstein)
"These are interesting times that we are in. Rod Rosenstein, I was ready to question him, had 37 pages' worth of questions for him, Bret, a couple of weeks ago. Of course, he is alleged to have wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment on the President's fitness for office, so I'm not sure that would have been the right pick, but he is overseeing the Mueller probe right now. I don't think anything is going to happen to Rod until after Mueller finishes his investigation, and then whatever happens after that will be between the President and Rod."
(Baier asks what's next on the timeline)
"I don't, and I'd be really disappointed if anyone did. Mueller, for whatever shortcomings people perceive that he has, I think he's trying to do a pretty good job of keeping his business private. I have not seen a single piece of evidence to suggest collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. I know Schiff has, I know some journalists claim they have, but I've seen nothing, and no one's interviewed more witnesses than I have, so I think Mueller's going to issue an exhaustive report on what Russia did, which should UNIFY America, and then he's going to disappoint CNN and all my Democrat friends by saying there's no evidence of collusion. That's what I think he's going to do, and I think it'll happen before the end of the year, but I don't KNOW that."
(asking about Matt Whitaker)
"Chairman Goodlatte and I, a long time ago, we wrote Attorney General Sessions and said 'we think, reluctantly, but we think there ought to be a second special counsel'. And I say that as somebody who used to work for the Department of Justice, and as somebody who wants to see that institution restored to its greatness. But I think there ought to be a second special counsel to look at the origins of the Russia probe, and the way that the FBI conducted itself. I mean, Chairman Goodlatte and I have been investigating to the extent we can without a Grand Jury, and without compulsory process. We've been looking at what we can, and I am deeply troubled by what the Department and Bureau did. And I think another special counsel is warranted, and I thought that months ago."
(Baier asks if a second special counsel might happen because of Whitaker stepping in)
"Well, my chances were zero with Sessions were zero, because he said no. So, not to quote the movie Dumb and Dumber, but I guess if my chances are 1 in a million, I guess it's better than it was with Sessions."
(asked about his reaction to losing the House)
"Not surprised. Historical headwinds, retirements, it's really tough to win in off years. Picked up seats in the Senate. I'm sorry for some of my friends that aren't coming back. Mia Love and Stevie Russell and others, but it's an unusual line of work that we have chosen, but the jury has spoken, and the jury is always right."
(asked about opinion of POTUS calling out RINOs at today's news conference)
"Well, we lost a seat in South Carolina. Katie Arrington stood with the President much more than Mark Sanford, and regrettably, she did not win. I think he had tremendous success with the Senate seats that he involved himself with. But the House is just a different entity, and it's tough to win in off years. The historical headwinds, the money that poured in, the retirements, I think Kevin and Paul knew that we were in trouble, even though they fought like the dickens to prevent it, I think it was inevitable. I didn't see us picking up seats in the Senate, so that was a plus."