I wonder what's under there….
It is under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps, and is closed to the public.
The Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range (CMAGR), is a 456,000 acre (1850 km²) Open-Area, approximately 20 miles wide, east to west, and 50 miles long, northwest to southeast, which is used by the Navy and Marines for aerial bombing and live fire aerial gunnery practice. It straddles the northern portion of the Chocolate Mountains to the east of the Salton Sea in Imperial and Riverside Counties, California, with restricted airspace in both California and Arizona.
Something to do with this perhaps?
Lost Gold Ledge of the Chocolate Mountains
Been lots of mag 1 and 2 quakes over last few months. Similar to the ones up in Alaska but much smaller. Most of them are to the west of the water.
Chocolate Mountain Military Base/Desert Wildlife Reserve
Back in 1994 California Senator Dianne Feinstein orchestrated a very controversial take over of one of the largest gold deposits in the world in the Chocolate Mountains of California.
Donald Fife, spokesman for the National Association of Mining Districts, said of the heist "The 103rd Congress managed to accommodate more than a gang of train robbers could achieve in a lifetime when they approved the Desert Wilderness Protection Act." Fife was commenting on recent information that indicates tens of billions of dollars in gold deposits and huge real estate swindles may be the motivating factors behind the act."
"Unbeknownst to the public, inside the range is the world's richest gold rift zone. Geologists estimate that the gold contained in this zone is worth between $40 to $100 billion. These are surface gold deposits which are more profitable to mine than the one-mile deep gold deposits in South Africa."
"The Mesquite gold mine is one of the top ten mines in the United States and has some of the most profitable gold deposits of any mine in the world. To the north is the Chocolate Mountain gunnery range. The Mesquite open pit gold mine literally stops at the fence that borders the gunnery range."
"Engineers allege that in 1981 and 1982, Consolidated Goldfields, which owned the mine at the time, illegally drilled into the gunnery range area to determine the composition of the ore body. The samples proved to be of high quality. According to these same engineers, beginning in the mid-1980s, military helicopters brought high ranking military officers, Congressmen and Senators to the area to examine these large gold deposits. Congressman Bruce Vento (D-Minn.) was one of several congressmen and senators who participated in these highly secretive trips."
According to Wikipedia: The mountain range is home to the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, an aerial and gunnery practice area used by the Navy and Marines. A large part of the Chocolate Mountains lie within the gunnery range, and are off-limits to the public. Indeed, areas near the mountains can be dangerous–in one instance, two jet pilots practicing dropping empty bombs overshot the gunnery range and bombed a public campground north of the mountains, injuring one man.
On a side note FEMA runs deep in Indio. Tons of spoopy places out there. Wackenhut Corporation to name one.
Got an extra seat??
still with that….
you don't want any of this