Anonymous ID: 73ee45 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.3791574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672

The recently elected Governor of Okinwawa is going to visit the US….

I don't think this is coincidental. I think he is being brought to the US for Safety purposes so the Cabal doesn't try and 187 him [Like they 187'd Onaga [Cancer is the favorite in Japan, Suicide 2nd]]. I've been saying that Habbenings in Japan AND Okinawa have been going on daily. I don't believe that Denny was supposed to win. His stance on US Bases isn't against them, rather not progressing further, IE Henoko.The Cabal sprayed heavily over Okinawa for two weeks prior to Election Day which led to a Typhoon, [Strongest one in Okinawa for 17 years]. Yes, the last strong typhoon in Okinawa was ON 9/11/2001. Typhoon was intended to keep people home and not vote. As it stands, less than 700,000 people voted and it was a very close race. Ithink the Soros machines had already been unfuckeried in Okinawa. Anyways, another Typhoon came through about a week later, almost like punishment for Electing him. Besides, Denny is coming to the US when POTUS is out… What would be the point of that? Well other than maybe meeting his father…

Okinawa governor Denny Tamaki plans visit to U.S. to urge Americans to halt Henoko base

The biracial, newly elected governor of Okinawa plans to visit the United States with a message to the American people: Stop building a disputed military base and build peace instead.“I want the American people to understand what has been, what is and what will be, to solve this problem,” Denny Tamaki said in an interview Wednesday at the Tokyo office for Okinawa Prefecture.Tamaki plans to visit New York and other U.S. cities in November, although dates and other details are not yet decided, according to the governor’s office.Tamaki took office Oct. 4 after campaigning for a disputed U.S. Marine air base to be moved entirely out of the prefecture and for the American military presence on Okinawa Island to be reduced. The tiny island hosts about half of the 54,000 American service members stationed in Japan and accounts for 64 percent of the land used for U.S. military bases.Tamaki, 59, is the first person with an American parent to lead Okinawa, and he stressed that his biracial roots make him perfectly suited to relay a message to the U.S. public.His father was a U.S. Marine he has never met. His mother, who raised him in Okinawa, burned all his father’s letters and photos, Tamaki recalled.

But he would like to meet his father in the U.S. and hug him, he added.“I’d like to say, ‘Hi, dad. How’ve you been?’ ” he said in English and Japanese, waving, adding jokingly perhaps 100 people might come forward.He acknowledged he was not sure what he thought of the overall policy stances of U.S. President Donald Trump. A meeting with Trump is not on the trip agenda.Tamaki said although Trump appeared to take a negative view toward Asia on trade, his gestures for reconciliation with North Korea, including a summit earlier this year with leader Kim Jong Un, showed Trump was committed to pursuing regional peace.“I would like to make it a win-win situation” for Trump and Okinawa, said Tamaki, friendly and relaxed in the office filled with lion statues and woven tropical fabric.Tamaki, who had a radio show before becoming a parliamentary lawmaker in 2009, said he was all for the U.S.-Japan bilateral security treaty, signed after Japan’s defeat in World War II. He was also not opposed to Japan’s having troops for self-defense, he said.But the Japanese people need to understand and talk more about security issues, defense spending and the unfair burden on Okinawa for hosting U.S. forces, he added.Okinawa’s demands must be coordinated with the overall American plan to relocate the U.S. Marines in the Pacific, Tamaki said.At the center of contention is relocating a U.S. air base from densely populated Ginowan to less-crowded Henoko on the east coast of the island. Early construction has begun at Henoko, but it’s far from finished. The U.S. and Japan’s central government supports the relocation, and government ministries have rejected Okinawa’s legal maneuvers to block the construction.“The people of Okinawa have opposed this new base for more than two decades and so there is a basic mistake in Henoko,” Tamaki said, noting that what he called the “democratic process” was being ignored.

Anonymous ID: 73ee45 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.3791672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1714


I made an observation before I want to reiterate. It cracks me up sometimes amazes me how you can have all of the worlds greatest Autists AND Conspiracy Theory experts working together but the minute you mention Chem trails poof, gone. No one will discuss it despite it already being openly admitted by the government,KEK