Ezra Cohen-Watnick-
Everything we know about ECW comes from only a few sources.
The Atlantic article, his Wikipedia bio and a few articles that mention his name in passing.
He is secret squirrel and his bio is a legacy.
The only pic of ECW on the webz is of a purposefully goofy awshucks college kid. He does not have a 2nd pic, he does not accidentally show up in press shots and even when he attended a high profile gala dinner in NY with Bolton, Bannon, Adelson & Guilfoyle he doesnt show up in any pics or video. He is a ghost.
Thats what we know we dont know. But what we do know makes him a prime subject for being Q. I'll do a complete sourced bio of gathered tidbits in a few days because spy thrillers intrigue me and ECW is the most off the radar person around Trump.
Is this him spotted at a rally last week?