Anonymous ID: eff3c7 Nov. 7, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.3791872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2080

A bit of speculation mixed in with some research:


Remember when Doug Jones won his senate seat shifting senate from 52-48 to 51-49 and the Democrats got a 10th seat on the senate judiciary committee?




Rs will have 52+ senators so the Ds should lose a seat on that committee. 10-1 = 9


Republicans get 11 of which 9 remain in the Senate and are likely to retain their position.


Chuck Grassley – Trust 100%

Orin Hatch – Vacant

Lindsey (golden) Graham – 100% our guy

John Cornyn – 100%

Mike Lee – 100%

Ted Cruz – 100%

Ben Sasse – new weakest link

Jeff Flake – gone, suck a dick!

Mike Crapo – 92% vote with Trump

Tom Tillis – 95% vote with Trump

John Kennedy – 100%




9 out of the 11 remain and will likely remain on the committee.


Josh Hawley will be on Senate Judiciary committee. He argued cases at Supreme Court and was Missouri AG. Trump visited Missouri more than anywhere else durring 2016 – 2018 cycle. Josh was very important for a reason. With Flake stepping down, His win flipped 2 Judiciary seats for Trump.


Tom Cotton is a lawyer and would be a solid choice for filling Orin Hatch vacancy on the committee


Grassley, Graham, Cornyn, Lee, Cruz, Kenedy + Cotton and Hawley = 8 100% on board


Crapo and Tillis should be solid both vote with Trump over 90% of time. Tillis faces reelection in 2020 and will need Trump while Crapo is in 2022 but one of the reddest states I expect 2 solid votes here


8+2 = 10 solid votes. Dems have 9 and need to work Sasse for tie in committee


Sasse faces reelection in 2020. In the conventional analysis this makes him Trump's bitch. Alternatively, with Sasse's past with the Hastert, Foley scandal Sasse may be one of 60,000 sealed indictments, if not he could be added to that list