Anonymous ID: 8b953d Nov. 7, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.3793075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3126 >>3262 >>3367 >>3492 >>3602

Statement of U.S. Attorney John W. Huber on Attorney General Sessions


“Jeff Sessions served with distinction as the nation’s 84th Attorney General. During his tenure, he magnified the impact of his service. He reinvigorated and motivated federal, state and local law enforcement professionals to perform at the highest levels and produce results on behalf of their communities. He advanced President Trump’s priorities with strong leadership and purposeful expectations.


“Utah has directly benefitted from Attorney General Sessions’ leadership. After two years of sharp increases in Utah’s violent crime rates, we saw an 8 percent decrease last year as a direct result of Attorney General Sessions’ leadership. The trajectory he set in the Department of Justice will continue to serve our nation on multiple fronts – against immigration crime, violent crime, transnational criminal organizations, and the heroin and opioid crisis.


“Personally, I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as an advisor to Attorney General Sessions. He is a dedicated public servant – with decades of service as a U.S. Attorney, a U.S. Senator, and as the Attorney General of the United States. More importantly, I have come to know him as a kind and gracious gentleman, sincere in his desire to make our nation an even better place.


“I look forward to working under the leadership of the next Attorney General, and will continue to pursue the rule of law priorities of President Trump.”