Anonymous ID: 0a72f7 Nov. 7, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.3794629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788

>>3793209 LB


I am posting Mark Taylor's Original FIRST Youtube Upload From May 2016, Over two years ago, long before the election,(vid related so you can check the date of the upload) and I am also posting the location of the written prophecies that he uploads as they come in, just in case people are interested in what the prophecies have in them. They are all still all there on the same page, dated and loaded. Now and then new ones come in. If they do, they are posted here. I follow them because they have been such a hoot. God has a sense of humor sometimes.

Back then, he told us a Justice would die, and just after this, Scalia died. That is about the time people started paying attention.


>WOW!! and what else does the voices say? KYS?


He doesn't do voices. He writes down what God tells him to write down, then uploads them in dated PDF's for everyone to download whenever the prophecies come. Then he visits various youtube radio and some television sites so people can ask him about what he wrote.

Here is the location to get the prophecies in written form as they have come in, since May 2016.


Because so much of what he writes has come true, he is a bit of an internet phenomenon, and he is also banned on Twitter. (The evil ones hate it when God sends Prophets, and God sent two that forecasted the election events when Trump would be president, starting in 2007 with Kim Clement).


I happened to catch his first youtube radio interview (vid related) back then and it was riotous KEK, following his prophecies through the election.


The funniest prophecy was God trolling the most famous Mexican Drug lord of all of Mexico. You can still read it, then look at what happened to El Chappo after the prophecy was uploaded.

God threatened El Chappo, after El Chappo threatened Trump by putting a million dollar bounty on Candidates Trumps head. (El Chappo did this after Trump did that famous line about the Mexicans coming over the border not being the best, and that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall.)


Of course El Choppo is in prison now, because God gave him a choice in the immediate response prophecy. "Jail or death in his red T shirt".

You can read it for yourself at the link above. It was too funny watching El Chappo try to stay out of jail, and break out of jail after the prophecy.


Scariest Prophecy is the Volcano prophecy. Not happened yet.

Most interesting prophecy promises to be either the cataclysmic archeological "vaul find" that will shake the crap out of the Church, or, You may find the storm that knocks the top of a monument off revealing something about the Cabal interesting. Lots of stuff in his strange writings.


Strangest recent prophecy is the Horse named Barrak Obama that was just euthanized. Mark said God sent it as a sign.


Happening now?

Told us the God was going to rip the evil ones out of the churches around the world and expose them, which is happening now.

Also, One Justice died, one would be retiring, and a total of 5 will be replaced by President Trump.

Interdasting reads

Vid related is the very first Youtube he ever did, before Trump announced he was running.

Anonymous ID: 0a72f7 Nov. 7, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.3794788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This post reminded me that there is a Kim Clement video floating around where Kim said they would try to put a Witch in the Whitehouse, and another where he made a quipp about women eating the children. It was 2012, I believe. Another video of Kim, I know it was a November video but the year was either 2012 or 2015, where he was paralyzed, trying to get away from a large dangerous SNAKE during the election, but could not, and that all around him was the loud croak of a large dangerous frog he could not see and did not understand. Kim suffered a stroke just after President Trump announced. He was paralyzed through the whole election when Trump was reciting the snake poem, and pepe was going nuts on the internet. He died after the election of Trump, on Nov 22, 2016