Haha I give Krassenkike a good 10 mins
If that ain't country, I'll kiss yer ass.
Whoooa look at Mr. VIP here. Uh yea you will bud.
pussy faggot. Martial law is when we get to kill all the fucking jews. It's literally gonna be the most fun you've had in years!
Then what's your plan tough guy?
We're freeing ourselves from Zionist Israel control, yea. You have much to learn. Plus you sound fucking deranged. Are you OK?
Nah you're not. You're just up your own ass. Get fucked. No one cares.
You do know that Pres. Washington used the military to crush a rebellion literally right after the Revolution
Also, Lincoln suspended Habeaus Corpus during the Civil War.
So what are you gonna do you ridiculous blowhard? You gonna go all rambo while the US military secures our country and arrests a bunch of globalist scum? Sometimes things don't work exactly how you think you should. Sometimes things are SNAFU. Get your panties unbunched my GOD!
What? What the fuck are you talking about?