Jeff Sessions was too close to Trump so it was impossible for him to declass things or do any other bold moves. You know things are about to heat up when nationwide protests are planned "to support Sessions and Mueller investigation) They know new AG will forcefully declass at any given time now and their plan was already predicted by Q on his post back in june. Declass collapses the house of cards and martial law is being temporarily activated to take control of soros paid crowds nice and easy before they can do a damn thing. Once FISA declass happens, many sealed indictments will be unsealed and massive raids will start againts mid level dems. Controlling senate was the key in all of this and now the plan is ready to move onto more visible side of phase(See Q's >>3783761 "While we had a senate majority on paper, in reality, we never did, nor could we count on bringing investigations to that body until it was safely in our full control")