Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3801360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409 >>1463 >>1571 >>1626 >>1657



WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 26: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participates in a lecture September 26, 2018 at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC. Justice Ginsburg discussed Supreme Court cases from the 2017-2018 term at the lecture. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

RUTH BADER GINSBURG HOSPITALIZED! 85-year-old Justice Broke 3 Ribs






Not a political position, return to legal system as per Gowdy's statement.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3801383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1748 >>1799 >>1918 >>1988

Operation 'Enduring Defeat'? DoD Admits US May Need To "Stay In Iraq For Decades"


Why a self-reliant Iraqi military may take ‘years, if not decades’ and could require a ‘generation’ to reform


Despite reports that the Islamic State terrorist group has lost 99 percent of its territory and shifted to insurgent tactics in Iraq and Syria, a recent report said an enduring defeatof the organization could take “years, if not decades.”


This, according to Department of Defense information provided to investigators with the DoD Inspector General, is in large part due to what is still needed to make Iraqi security forces “self-reliant.”


“Systemic weaknesses remain, many of which are the same deficiencies that enabled the rise of ISIS in 2014,” according to the quarterly IG report on Operation Inherent Resolve, the counter-ISIS operation that spans Iraq and Syria.


Though top military officials recognized the gaps in capabilities among the Iraqi forces and that a “resurgence” of ISIS in the region is likely without sustained support and attention, congressional support for the fight against ISIS has decreased in the new fiscal year and an estimated $230 million in U.S. stabilization funds earmarked for Syria has been shifted to other countries.


The quarterly report on OIR noted that while security in cities such as the capital Baghdad has improved to such a degree that security forces have removed about 300 police and security checkpoints and 1,000 barriers that divided and walled off the city.


The report covered July to September.


As violence in the cities has decreased, ISIS mass casualty attacks and killings have increased in the rural areas where ISF has less control.


Ninety-two percent of the reported 285 violent attacks occurred in the crescent of provinces north of Baghdad, including Anbar, Ninewa, Salah ad Din, Kirkuk and Diyala.


ISIS fighters have killed three to four tribal leaders and village elders per week over the past six months, according to reports.


Iraqis still lack the ability to conduct basic intelligence gathering and have no qualified drone pilots, instead relying almost entirely on coalition forces to gather, analyze and disseminate intelligence.


“In effect, this means that the Iraqi senior leadership is dependent on the Coalition for information about their own military’s operations,” according to the report.


“This strategy risks an enduring coalition presence in Iraq for years to come.”


Other foundational aspects of modern military command are sorely lacking.


“Coalition officials acknowledged that it is likely to take “a generation of officers with continuous exposure to Coalition advisers” before changes to the centralized command structure take hold,” according to the report.


Report authors also noted that ISF “could not function” without using personal cell phones. Commanders also require burdensome paper orders that can tie up operational work, delaying key movements in the field, far from the capital.



Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.3801389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America first not to come: Trump to snub Macron-favored Paris Peace Forum


Unlike many other world leaders, US President Donald Trump will not attend a conference hosted by France’s Emmanuel Macron, the organizers said today.


The Paris Peace Forum coincides with France’s program for the commemoration of the end of World War I taking place this week. Around 70 world leaders are to visit France for the event, including Trump.


But unlike people including Germany’s Angela Merkel, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the US president will not attend the forum, which is touted as a new annual event aiming to “develop solutions for today's transborder challenges.”


As the opening date was drawing closer, there was a lot of uncertainty about Trump’s participation. But on Thursday chief organizer Justin Vaisse confirmed to AFP that the American leader will not be part of it. Earlier this week Vaisse tried to downplay the importance of Trump’s presence.


The forum was given impetus by Macron as part of his agenda to keep France closely involved in international politics and to promote European integration. Trump, a self-described nationalist who adopted the motto “America first” as the quintessence of his policy, apparently found the event’s goals not to his liking.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.3801399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1483 >>1580

Democrats Demand "Preservation Of All Materials" Related To Mueller & Sessions


That didn't take long…


Just 24 hours after retaking control of Congress in the Midterms, ABC News is reporting that four senior members - House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA), Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD), and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein - sent letters to top Administration officials demanding the preservation of all documents and materials relevant to the work of the Office of the Special Counsel or the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


In their letters, the Members wrote:


"Committees of the United States Congress are conducting investigations parallel to those of the Special Counsel's office, and preservation of records is critical to ensure that we are able to do our work without interference or delay.


Committees will also be investigating Attorney General Sessions' departure. We therefore ask that you immediately provide us with all orders, notices, and guidance regarding preservation of information related to these matters and investigations."


The letters were sent to numerous Trump administration officials including the White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, FBI Director Chris Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Deputy U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Robert Khuzami, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, NSA Director Paul Nakasone, IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, and Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.



Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.3801419   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Saudi Arabia targets Palestinians in Israel with latest Mecca ban


Saudi Arabia has banned Palestinians and Israeli Muslims from entering the country with temporary passports, ending their chance to make the pilgrimage to Islam’s holiest site, Mecca.


Practicing Muslims are supposed to try to get to Mecca once in their lives, if possible, for the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages. Given that Israel and Saudi Arabia don’t officially have diplomatic relations, Palestinians in Israel have to apply for temporary Jordanian passports to go to Mecca.


However, in the latest of a series of moves limiting Palestinians’ access to the Kingdom, these temporary passports will no longer be accepted.


Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, as well as those living in Israel-occupied East Jerusalem, were recently banned from getting visas. The increased travel restrictions now affect almost 3 million Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3801466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1645



2020 - Democrat Ilhan Omar Hopes That “Allah Awakens People” To “See The Evil Doings Of Israel”


According to Ms Jean Sinzdak of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, the rhetoric of current President Donald Trump is the key factor behind the rising levels of interest among women in running for office. Ms Sinzdak: “We are seeing heightened levels of engagement of women on the left as activists, voters and candidates — it is about being in opposition to the president.”


In the end, more than 100 female House candidates across parties were on course to win their races this week during the Midterm elections, a record number that represents the culmination of a milestone year for first-time female candidates running for office.


At the moment, just 84 women serve in the current US House of Representatives. Democratic women also chalked up successes in gubernatorial elections as they wrested power from the Republicans in Kansas and Michigan.


One of the names to be on the lookout for is Miss Ilhan Omar, a young well-spoken candidate for the Democrats who came to the US as a refugee from Somalia.


The internet is full of conspiracy theories as to her (supposed) marriage to her own brother in order to get documents and about her ardent discontent of Israel.


Of course, now that she is an elected official, Miss Omar will come under a lot of scrutiny.


One of the tweets that she sent over the last few years will be looked on especially, as she said in the past (2012) that: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”


Miss Omar, an openly Muslim woman elected to represent Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives now becomes one of two Muslim women who will go to Congress in the next term, including Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.


Back in 2016 when she first gained public office (elected to the Minnesota state legislature), she made similar statements about Israel in various interviews.


And also on social media, this year has been no different.


In May 2018, she tweeted, “Drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime is far from hating Jews.” On the same day she said: “Well you know, if a Muslim says something negative about Israeli government, they must hate Jews. Didn’t you get that memo?”


The Democrats are indeed all for diversity, but they may be riding a slippery slope with this one. Don’t be surprised if Miss Omar’s social media accounts suddenly get ‘scrubbed.’



Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3801494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1679

Trump administration rolls back Obamacare birth control mandate, restricts plans covering abortions



The Trump administration introduced sweeping changes to the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare on Wednesday, finalizing new rules that would roll back mandated coverage for contraceptives and place tighter restrictions on insurance plans that cover abortions.

What are the details?


Fox News reported that the Department of Health and Human Services announced the changes, which allow religious organizations, nonprofits, and small businesses to opt out of providing Obamacare’s mandated free birth control under moral objections.


HHS released a statement, saying, “The religious and moral exemptions provided by these rules apply to institutions of education, issuers, and individuals. The Departments are not extending the moral exemption to publicly traded businesses, or either exemption to government entities.”


The same day, the Trump administration also introduced rules restricting Obamacare plans that cover abortion, aiming to ensure taxpayer money isn’t used to subsidize the practice.


Opposition groups have already vowed to challenge the changes in court.


“Today’s outrageous rules by the Trump Administration show callous disregard for women’s rights, health, and autonomy,” Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, told Politico on Wednesday.


“By taking away women’s access to no-cost birth control coverage, the rules give employers a license to discriminate against women,” Graves continued. “We will take immediate legal steps to block these unfair and discriminatory rules.”


Pro-life advocates hailed the new rules, with Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser issuing a statement saying, “Today President Trump and HHS Secretary [Alex] Azar delivered a huge victory for conscience rights and religious liberty in America.”


“No longer will Catholic nuns who care for the elderly poor be forced by the government to provide abortion-inducing drugs in their health care plans,” she continued. “Not only that, moral objectors, such as Susan B. Anthony List, will also no longer have to pay for life-ending drugs that are antithetical to their mission and for which we have argued there is certainly no ‘compelling state interest.'”

What’s the background?


In a news release, HHS explained that originally “the Affordable Care Act did not require contraceptive coverage in health insurance. It did not require the government to violate religious or moral objections to providing or purchasing such coverage.”


The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by former President Barack Obama in 2010.


In 2011, “the Departments issued regulations and guidance requiring non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers to cover all FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and related education and counseling,” the HHS statement continued.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.3801519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1577 >>1710 >>1799 >>1885 >>1988

Republicans sue Arizona county recorders as US Senate election remains too close to call



The Republican parties in Yuma, Navajo, Apache, and Maricopa counties filed a lawsuit against all state recorders and the secretary of state late Wednesday, as the Arizona U.S. Senate race still hangs in the balance.

What is the issue?


The groups are challenging how Arizona counties verify signatures on mail-in ballots that come into the polls on Election Day, according to a complaint obtained by the Arizona Republic.


Arizona’s U.S. Senate race has no declared winner because it is too close to call. Results following Tuesday’s election showed that Republican Martha McSally earned 49.4 percent of the vote and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema had 48.4 percent, with about 75 percent of precincts reporting. About 17,000 votes separated the two candidates, according to CNN.


The race could take days — possibly weeks — to call, according to the Republic. Results from are still pending from Maricopa County, the most populous in the state and one where Sinema has dominated.


A hearing is scheduled for Friday in Maricopa County Superior Court, Eric Spencer, elections director for the Secretary of State, told the Republic. Republicans are trying to get the hearing moved up to Thursday, according to Spencer.


Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes and some other county recorders believe they can contact voters after Election Day. Voters are called to verify they signed the green envelope of the ballot, which is required by law. The lawsuit maintains that under state law, voters can be contacted only prior to Election Day. The lawsuit is asking for that process to be followed in all counties throughout the state.


“A foundational principle of American democracy and our justice system is that all votes are treated equally,” Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines said in a statement to the news outlet. “This equal protection under the law is enshrined in our Constitution. It is not fair nor just that voters in one county are treated differently under the law from other voters in Arizona. This suit seeks immediate redress of any inequality between ballots cast across Arizona. We stand behind our local county parties demand for equal treatment.”

Is there any pushback?


Democratic leaders are vowing to fight back if any of the votes are discounted.


“The Republican Party is doing everything it can to silence thousands of Arizonans who already cast their ballots,” Felecia Rotellini, chair of the Arizona Democratic Party, said in a prepared statement to the newspaper. “That’s absolutely wrong, and the Arizona Democratic Party is fully prepared to fight to ensure that every last Arizonan has their vote counted.”


Andy Gordon, an election-law attorney who represents Democrats, told the newspaper he believes the lawsuit has no merit.


“It’s classic Republican 11th-hour stuff,” Gordon said. “There are counties all over the state who have been doing this forever … and so now that we’ve got a different regime down here in Maricopa County, and we’ve got a really, really, really tight Senate race, suddenly the Republicans say, ‘You shouldn’t be doing this, we need to call it off.'”

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.3801573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1665

Merkel Announces She Will Rule Germany Until 2021, But over Half of Germans Want Her Gone Next Year


While German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes she will be able to lead Germany for over a year after stepping down as leader of the nation’s largest party it is not a plan popular with the majority of Germans, with 62 per cent saying she should step down before the next election.


When Angela Merkel — who will mark 13 unbroken years as German Chancellor (Prime Minister equivalent) in just two weeks’ time — suffered yet another blow in a line of electoral setbacks last month, she announced she would relinquish the leadership of her party as well as her country.


Dr Merkel will step down from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in December at the party’s annual conference, but against her own previous insistence that the two roles should go together, said she wants to continue as Chancellor until the next German election in 2021.


Following her recent embarrassing election results with almost another two years in power would not be popular with voters, however, a new poll conducted for German newspaper Bild reveals. The survey suggests 62.2 per cent of Germans think Dr Merkel should resign shortly after stepping down from her party leadership — at the beginning of 2019 — so Germany can have a new Chancellor.


The figure resembles a significant rise over a similar poll taken in December 2017, when Breitbart London reported 47 per cent of Germans surveyed said they wanted Merkel to stand down before 2021.


The CDU will select a new party leader at the December conference, and as reported by Breitbart London those vying to take the top job in German politics are seeking to differentiate themselves from the outgoing chancellor — and each other — through comments on the forthcoming United Nations migration pact. The Merkel Chancellorship has been one defined for many by the issue of mass migration to Europe, and Federal Minister of health Jens Spahn has been a vocal critic of the controversial UN plan.


“The debate on the migration pact is still pending in the parliamentary group,” Spahn said, remarking: “It is important that Germany retains its sovereignty to control and limit migration.”

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.3801615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1710 >>1731 >>1799 >>1988

Farage Warns British Political Class ‘Colluding’ with Euro Politicians ‘Against Democracy’ After Email Leak


Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has warned that the British political class are “colluding” with their European counterparts to thwart Brexit after an email leak.


The LBC host and former UKIP chief is still a working Member of the European Parliament (MEP), and was able to reveal an email from colleague Alyn Smyth — of the anti-Brexit, left-wing, Scottish ‘nationalist’ SNP — sent to every politician in the 751-strong European Parliament, urging them to help EU loyalists in Britain delay and ultimately defeat Brexit.


“Despite our political differences, as UK MEPs we are united around one fact: if you wish to allow the UK to remain within our EU family, then all ways to do so will necessitate an extension of the Article 50 timetable,” Smith wrote.


“Whilst we acknowledge that many details of the next few months remain unclear, it is in a spirit of friendship, solidarity and respect that we ask you, our European friends, to start thinking about this possibility and be ready for this eventuality.”


The activation of Article 50 — the EU-mandated mechanism for leaving the bloc — set in train a two-year negotiation period before Britain’s exit, and cannot be extended without the agreement of British and EU institutions.


Farage further revealed that Hans-Olaf Henkel, an influential German MEP and former head of the Federation of German Industry, had taken up Smyth’s call enthusiastically, replying: “I support everything which would avoid a Brexit, including anything which could delay it. Let me advise you that I have talked to both [European Commission] President [Jean-Claude] Juncker and to [Austrian] Chancellor [Sebastian] Kurz about our initiative.”


Denouncing the plot in a column for The Telegraph, Farage declared that Smyth “and the 13 British MEPs who showed utter contempt for their own people in signing his letter, are conspiring with the Germans to make sure Britain cannot become competitive after Brexit.”


“I think their intention is to derail Article 50. I call that a collusion against democracy. And I believe they should all hang their heads in shame,” he concluded.


List of letter signatories in full:


Alyn Smyth MEP (Scottish National Party)

Catherine Bearder MEP (Liberal Democrats)

Seb Dance MEP (Labour)

Jill Evans MEP (Plaid Cymru)

John Howarth MEP (Labour)

Wajid Khan MEP (Labour)

Jude Kirton-Darling MEP (Labour)

Jean Lambert MEP (Green Party)

Clare Moody MEP (Labour)

Molly Scott-Cato MEP (Green Party)

Catherine Stihler MEP (Labour)

Charles Tannock MEP (Conservative Party)

Derek Vaughan MEP (Labour)

Julie Ward MEP (Labour)

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3801636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Large Group of Central American Migrants Apprehended 60 Miles into Texas


Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a large group of mostly Central American migrants marching through a ranch located about 60 miles north of the Texas-Mexico border. The group included an unaccompanied minor.


Agents assigned to the Hebbronville Border Patrol Station came upon a suspicious vehicle in an area known for human smuggling. As the agents approached the vehicle, the driver jumped out and fled into the brush. Agents said that no one else was inside the vehicle, according to Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials.


Agents could not locate the driver but managed to find a presumed drop-off location for what appeared to be a group of migrants attempting to circumvent the immigration checkpoint by walking through a ranch. After picking up the trail, the agents tracked the group until they eventually caught up with them.


The agents apprehended 17 people they determined to be illegally present in the U.S., officials said. The migrants came to the U.S. from El Salvador (2), Guatemala (13), and Mexico (2). The group reportedly included one unaccompanied minor.


The agents arrested the group of migrants and transported them to the station for processing. Officials seized the abandoned vehicle.


Human smugglers frequently abandon migrants in the brush under circumstances that often lead to injury or death. In July, Border Patrol agents rescued a woman who had been left to die. Hebbronville Station agents received a call that a woman had become lost on a ranch, Breitbart News reported. Quickly responding, the agents managed to find the woman and provide her with medical assistance.


A few days earlier, Hebbronville agents received another call from a woman who said she and her male companion were lost and the man desperately needed medical attention. The agents responded with the assistance of a National Guard helicopter aircrew and quickly located the couple. Unfortunately, the man had become unresponsive and eventually died from symptoms of heat and dehydration.


So far this year, 344 migrants died during or shortly after illegal border crossings. Of those, 207 died in Texas alone.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.3801736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FDA Requested a $25 Million Study on Cell Phone Radiation, But Ignored the Results that Link the Radiation to Cancer


A $25 million comprehensive study on the effects of cellphone radiation on rats that spanned 19 years found clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats and some links to tumors in the brains and adrenal glands of male rats. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which had requested the study in the first place, is casting doubt on the study’s conclusions claiming that the results on the rodents cannot be extrapolated to humans. David Carpenter, the Director for Health and Environment at the University of Albany in New York, said that many studies have shown increased risk of brain cancer (glioblastoma) in humans due to excessive cell phone use, and that animal models like mice and rats in experiments are common because it is very rare for a substance to cause cancer in an animal, but not in humans. If the FDA had accepted the results, the Federal Communications Commission would have had to update its regulations from the current standards that were set in 1996.

Anonymous ID: 37669b Nov. 8, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3801887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia & China Invest in Infrastructure; U.S. Instead Spends on Military


China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” is famous as an extension of their domestic infrastructure investments, but Russia is also investing heavily in infrastructure. Both countries need to do it in order to improve the future for their respective populations, and both Governments have avoided the Western development model of going heavily into debt in order to pay for creating and maintaining infrastructure. Both are, in fact, exceptionally low-debt Governments.


According to the “Global Debt Clock” at Economist, China has a public debt/GDP of 17.7%, and Russia’s is 8.0%. For comparison, America’s is 93.6%. (Others are: Germany 85.8%, Spain 91.2%, Italy 122.6%, Greece 147.1%, India 54.2%, Pakistan 47.0%, and Brazil 55.0%.)


The United States isn’t going into public debt in order to finance building or maintenance of infrastructure, but instead to finance expansions of its military, which is already (and by far) the world’s largest (in terms of its costs, but not of its numbers of troops).


While the US Government now spends around half of the world’s military expenditures and plans to conquer Russia, China, and all countries (such as Iran and Syria) that cooperate with those ‘enemies’ (and please click onto a link wherever you question the truthfulness of an allegation made here), Russia and China plan to improve their infrastructures, in order to boost their national economies and to minimize the impacts that (the mainly US-caused) global warming will have. These infrastructure projects are optimistic and long-term expenditures, which are being planned and built only because the countries that the US aristocracy are targeting to conquer, expect the US aristocracy to fail to achieve its clear #1 goal, of controlling the entire world and conquering them — of America’s rulers finally achieving the global fascist empire that, in World War II, Hitler and the other Axis powers had been hoping to become.


By contrast, US infrastructure is rotting; and, while every recent US President has promised to reverse that decline, none has done anything significant to repair this nation’s rotting infrastructure — it has always been just talk and empty promises. A nation that spends over a trillion dollars a year on ‘national defense’ can’t have much left over to spend on things that ‘can wait’ — such as repairing its bridges, roads, etc. — and so those repairs do wait, while even more money, than before, becomes devoted to purchases of new weaponry, such as the F-35 program.


Meanwhile, Russia and China prepare for their future, and hope it won’t be war.


On November 1st, Russian Television bannered “Russia, India & Iran want to create alternative trade route to Suez Canal – report” and described “The 7,200-kilometers long corridor [that] will combine sea and rail routes”:


The route will make it possible to deliver cargoes from India to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. Then, the goods will be transported by land to Bandar Anzali, Iran’s port on the Caspian Sea. After that, goods will be shipped to the Russian southern port of Astrakhan, from where they will move to Europe by rail. The new transport artery will potentially reduce the time and costs of shipping by up to 40 percent.–china-invest-in-infrastructure-us-instead-spends-on.html