>Well the lucies believe in the fairy dust even if you don't.
I don't give a shit what other people believe, I truly don't, but the second they try to force that belief onto me..with penalties for not believing it…we've crossed a line.
No one wants to be FORCED by the government to do anything…but people have seriously short memories and the inability to apply IF THEN thinking…IF the Chinese government could force people to have abortions….IF I do not ever want to be in the position to be forced to have an abortion then I should NOT ever adopt the position that forces others, who don't believe as I do…NOT to have an abortion and carry an unwanted pregnancy to term.
The "it won't happen to us" magical thinking is…bizarre in a way…so much backlash has already happened due to this shit…blowback is ugly. Why not opt for a balance, neutrality..versus my beliefs or the highway?