We don't dox Q. Ever.
Because those of us who have been at this since before Q arrived understand opsec, asshole. Just because Q is protected doesn't mean that you want to test that protection.
And I've been here – and posting boobs – since last November 3rd. Before that I've been around since FBIAnon, if not before.
"Newfag". Heh.
Not bad. Newsome probably has a better shot than anyone. Political violence before then? Earthquakes? Who wins the World Series next few years?
If you're gonna rp a time traveler, be prepared for this shit.
Been calling this. TG dominated the Benghazi hearings. He's widely trusted. Relatively clean. Now with a new Senate, he can get confirmed . . . and compared to Christy, he looks like fucking Solomon.
This will have one of two outcomes:
(likely) Some innocent, unsuspecting government official wrongly identified on the chans as Q gets ambushed.
(unlikely) Someone actually doxxes Q, fucking the op into oblivion.
Which outcome are you looking for?
We don't dox Q. Ever.
I hear the great gears grinding behind the walls. Shit is going down. But this is a relatively "fallow and fluff" period.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day.