Anonymous ID: 13273c Nov. 8, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3802193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2198 >>2202 >>2398 >>2771

These two Q posts were infuriating (from a post election perspective), in that at the height of our angst (smack dab in the middle of election day when we have done our part and can do nothing but listen to results and the relentless spin on almost all news outlets) we are provided with two drops that feed into our emotions, when we are trying our damnedest to stick with logical thinking and not get carried away with our expectations.


What does that mean? Well, basically we are coming out of a long period of hearing about a blue wave, and have had MANY Q drops saying red wave. What do these terms mean, pretty clear, blue wave = dems take house and senate, red wave mean reps take both instead. It is evident in the run up that Trump was targeting senate, and even said the house has too many races to focus on. This was our hint that the house wasn't the focus, so fine, logical thinking says, they have a target, everything else is gravy.


By now, we all have an appreciation that there is the normy-verse (msm narrative…fake news) and then there is Q-verse (lifting the msm veil with some amounts of hard truth, some amount of disinfo, and all the hazy concepts in-between that drives us to try and connect the dots). Q also has a tendency to oversell the mundane…that is, mundane to us, but rather earth shattering if the msm focused on it with 1/10th the intensity they give Balsy-Ford for instance. So, this constantly f's with anons expectations, because our eagerly awaited BOOMS (entrenched cabal straight up evil and murder) are so much bigger than the booms we see months after we have long since known them (tedious bureaucratic snippets that normies don't even notice).


This looks like complaining by now, but isn't, simply stating the expectation leveling of being a good anon, trusting the plan, digging on leads, but most importantly PAYING ATTENTION.


Credibility is currency, and Q is constantly having to play a currency game balancing giving us diggable crumbs to set the nature of the enemy, providing elements of the plan so we know things are happening, and pushing disinfo at the deepstate so they are constantly reeling and reacting further digging their own graves. Likewise, we as participants in this also have our own credibility game when coaxing others from the normy-verse to Q-verse. Everytime Q pushes disinfo, which alot of times is fakebooms, or super overhyped booms, or stealth booms that play as markers for sometime in the future, he moves back and forth on the "oh GFY" scale.


All that was said, so that it is clear how important managing your expectations are, and hunkering down for the long haul so you can continue to stay alert, stay motivates, dig, spread and fight. Those two Q-drops at that time they were given fed us the illusion that perhaps tangible change is being made and Q is signalling that they are both seeing and ensuring the red wave in real time. As generic patriots, we are limited in what we can know, and when it comes to elections, it is a very vulnerable time in terms of us having control over the outcome, beyond voting and convincing our sphere (which in this climate, is difficult).


This drop felt very unnecessary and was the tipping point drop we would expect right before something truly glorious happens. What we got in the results was a purple puddle (as IPOT youtuber so eloquently put it), and indeed glorious within the minutia of the plan, but very meager more broadly speaking. That drop was targeted at us and seemingly gave us hype when we needed it most, which made the results that much more painful and confusing as the normy-narrative played out. This was very brief for me as I didn't watch the results, just checked the chans and mostly stayed away from coverage, so my pain came in the morning as I absorbed the outcome (however that was probably a bad decision as the hype of what the drops may have meant was fomented overnight).


Knee jerk reaction was to be infuriated by the post, and curse Q for being so short-sighted, trading such valuable credibility on a message meant for us, when we needed it most, as a thank you to what is to come…or was it directed at us…

Anonymous ID: 13273c Nov. 8, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3802198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2348 >>2426 >>2436 >>2484 >>2694 >>2771


…I actually think not, well not directly. If I was pulled in so hard by this, especially when trying to avoid coverage, imagine how sucked in it made the cabal Q watchers. They saw this, and it made their meager house win feel so much more powerful than it was, so much so that they celebrated right in front of us all over 8chan shilling hard when taking victory laps. I'm sure this validated many of the "sacrifices" they may have made to ensure it's happening. Whatever delusions they have of how they are going to win this were likely validated.


Then yesterday happened, right in the height of their celebration and scheming, Trump comes out and does a rope a dope press conference, offering conciliation and portraying a willingness to cooperate, which they see as weakness. To make it even better, he goes on for an hour and a half holding a mesmerizing Q&A that undoubtedly gave them the impression we were in chaos, well, chaos isn't the right word, perhaps reeling and on our back feet. They saw Trump on the defensive feeling like he needed to go make noise for the rubes so they bought into his tough guy act, but they knew better, they saw what we saw, they saw how confident Q was, they saw how hard Trump worked, and they know how demoralized we must be, and this is Trump truly being weak by desperately trying to give us something to be happy about (not to mention all the follow up Q drops trying to convince us things are ok…not really believing the significance of the Senate wins, or that action is eminent, surely it will take time to shift to the senate…).


Then the real BOOM hits…Sessions is out, Rosenstein is benched, accelerator is fiirmly smashed against the floor. They are confused, they are reeling, they knew Q's plan, there were all these steps that had to happen with the slow rollout of the DECLAS and subsequent shift to Sessions (whom those rubes are to trust), we had time…what is happening, this was not the plan!


Q played the ultimate disinfo game and the cabal had to plan for a process that has now been insta-wiped on a day they thought they were victorious. They are back in fully uncharted territory and are about to walk into a house full of mines, as their deepstate blackhat congressman start popping all around them, which is likely the true aim of the declas.


So yes, those two drops infuriated me…for about half a day, and then their true genius were revealed in the most glorious of ways…the stealth bombers are lurking, the battleground has shifted, all while the "victors" of the house scramble to grab the severed reins of the runaway stagecoach that is headed to the house of representatives, which turns out to be the fake Rock Ridge (Blazing Saddles).

