Anonymous ID: 5d6151 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3802226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2771

>>3801700 (all pbs)

>Wrong. Stop spreading your bullshit theories.

LOL idiot...not a bullshit theory. If you weren't so busy projecting your idiotic religiousity you'd know exactly what Gowdy said about being nominated to AG....KEK...


Q has bullshit you from one end to the other...disinfo is necessary right?


Gowdy is compd...he said so himself.


BAAAAA for Q...


>Her expertise on the suspension of Habeas Corpus has exactly NOTHING to do with her religion


Assumption only makes an ASS out of U.


Her positions on Habeas Corpus has ZERO to do with why your lot are pushing her for SCOTUS...KEK...and this is not going to happen....period. Trump is not a stupid man.


> the reason Gowdy is comped is because he fired a staff member for not focusing on Clinton in the Benghazi investigation, and the guy sued and won $100,000 that Gowdy paid with tax dollars


That may be true...but I've got a feeling it's a bit more than that. Still mistakes don't mean that he's evil...just means the screaming about his nomination will be focused on what he did...Kavanaugh didn't even do anything (except like beer and be a anal retentive compulsive calendar keeper as a teen...KEK..and look what they managed to do with that...

Anonymous ID: 5d6151 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3802398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2421


What you idiots here have ALWAYS failed to get into your thick sheeple skulls is that Q tosses your lot a bone or two, absolutely works on their own credibility, but they are in fact USING you idiots….disinfo is necessary….you seem to think that LARP means 100% fake…it doesn't. Intel officers are taught/trained to LARP…


What is brilliant is absolutely how successful it's been keeping the normies (now calling themselves ANON kek) in line, toeing the line….no matter what happens or how it happens Q always has a brilliant escape hatch.


This is one of the most successful counter intel ops ever run right in the public eye. For all the right reasons…but if you think notes aren't being made on how to contain you and bring you right into alignment…kek. All Q has to do is quote the bible and say PRAY…and the swooning starts, the absolute blind obedience…when it is completely illogical to follow it any further…people just dig in and hold on for dear life…so kudos for figuring out how to control mass quantities of people, how to keep their hopes up and their eyes on the brass ring….


POTUS is amazing..this LARP, however, is going to blow back once these idiots realize that their religiosity has been used to contain them, utilize them….but that their pay off is NOT going to be "getting their own way"…


observing this shit…has been enlightening.


also…those of us not falling into line…probably made the re-education list :D

Anonymous ID: 5d6151 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3802426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2472


>Q played the ultimate disinfo game and the cabal had to plan for a process that has now been insta-wiped on a day they thought they were victorious. They are back in fully uncharted territory and are about to walk into a house full of mines, as their deepstate blackhat congressman start popping all around them, which is likely the true aim of the declas.


Agreed…sadly there are WAY too many people here invested in things coming out their way….but thankfully they're just magical thinkers on the Internet.

Anonymous ID: 5d6151 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3802619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2693



>75-80% of this country self identifies as Christian, and plenty of non Christians identify as religious "other" so guess what.


You apparently believe that. But it doesn't make it true. And thankfully I don't have to count on you idiots to maintain a balance in the judicial branch. I can't wait to hear you scream betrayal when Trump does NOT nominate her, because if he does, he wants to lose 2020. Kavanaugh was a fucking cakewalk…a legal genius and constitutionalist…a right wing religious nutter is never ever going to be able to approach the law without the COLOR of their own magical beliefs. I find it hard to believe she is any sort of legal genius while at the same time holding such insane magical beliefs.


And don't mistake the inability to believe in your whack job religiousity with an ignorance of a 'spiritual world"…oh wait, that's right…BELIEVE MY WAY OR HIT THE HIGHWAY..well it's worked for your lot before so…why not….You're terrifying. One teeny inch and you'll be right back firing up the stakes and tossing gays off buildings.