Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.3802141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2155 >>2458 >>2771

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Will Not Recuse Himself From Russia Probe and Won’t Approve Presidential Subpoena


Matthew Whitaker was named Acting Attorney General Wednesday after Jeff Sessions turned in his resignation at President Trump’s request.


Whitaker also took over the Mueller probe, bumping Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein from the position.


Democrat lawmakers panicked after Rosenstein lost control over the Mueller witch hunt and called for Whitaker to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.


Nancy Pelosi called for Whitaker to recuse himself and for Congress to take immediate action to protect the rule of law.


PELOSI: Given his record of threats to undermine & weaken the Russia investigation, Matthew Whitaker should recuse himself from any involvement in Mueller’s investigation. Congress must take immediate action to protect the rule of law and integrity of the investigation.

Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3802159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2454 >>2657

After migrant gang rape German police chief warns women ‘not to drink alcohol’


A German police chief has warned women not to drink alcohol or use drugs after the gang rape of an 18-year-old girl in Freiburg, Magazine Der Spiegel reports.


“We cannot offer citizens an all-risk insurance [against crime], but I can advise this: Don’t make yourself vulnerable by using alcohol or drugs,” Freiburg’s police chief Bernhard Rotzinger said.


On 14 October a German teen girl was raped by seven Syrians and a man with a German passport. The girl’s drink was allegedly drugged at a techno party and she was gang raped outside the disco.


The terrible incident shocked the inhabitants of Freiburg, a university town in the south east of Germany.


Two years ago the town was also rocked by the rape murder of the 19-year-old German teen Maria Ladenburger by Afghan asylum seeker Hussein K.


Other parts of Germany have been plagued by migrant (sex) attacks as well. After several joggers were assaulted the German TV even advised to choose safe routes, to stay alert and to hold a safety distance of seven meters.


And after the massive sex attack on 1200 women during NYE in Cologne mayor Henriette Rekr said to “stay away from an arm of strangers” and not leave their group of friends, even if they wanted to party.


The focus on prevention is a good thing, but also shows how German authorities and media barely hold the migrant crisis responsible for the disaster that is unfolding in Germany.


Political correctness has caused officials to put the blame for the criminal acts on the women instead of Merkel’s guests.

Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3802215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233

Twitter Yet to Suspend Antifa Account that Doxed Tucker, Hannity, Coulter


Twitter suspended an account linked to the domestic terrorist Antifa movement after it posted the personal address of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and encouraged a harassment mob at his house. However, a second Antifa-linked account that posted the addresses of Carlson, along with Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel, has yet to be suspended.


The first Twitter account, “Smash Racism DC,” published a number of tweets encouraging the far-left mob that descended on Tucker Carlson’s home in Washington D.C. earlier tonight. Per Gateway Pundit, an individual affiliated with DC Antifa said the mob harassment of Carlson was “just the beginning.”


The SmashRacismDC account briefly posted a picture featuring the street address of Carlson’s house, although this was taken down after media publications including Breitbart News reached out to Twitter for comment. SmashRacismDC was subsequently banned by Twitter.


However, another Antifa-affiliated account has since begun spreading Carlson’s address, along with the addresses of Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel. This account has yet to be suspended or banned by Twitter, although the tweet containing a link to the conservative personalities’ addresses has been taken down.


“Maybe don’t publicly promote hate and we’ll leave you alone,” said the account.

Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3802225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2236 >>2418 >>2617 >>2751 >>2771

Pentagon Report: NGOs ‘Knowingly Diverted’ Millions in U.S. Aid to Al-Qaeda Group in Syria


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) “knowingly” siphoned off millions in American taxpayer-funded humanitarian assistance into the coffers of the al-Qaeda wing in Syria, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) reported this week.


In post-Islamic State (ISIS) caliphate Syria, the al-Qaeda-linked Ha’yat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) group has surfaced as the strongest jihadi group in the region.


On Tuesday, the Pentagon OIG’s Lead Inspector General for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the official name of the U.S. mission against ISIS, revealed:


Since late 2017, USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development] OIG investigations have uncovered numerous instances of possible or confirmed diversions to armed groups in Idlib Governorate in northwestern Syria, including Ha’yat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.


One investigation found that an NGO’s employees knowingly diverted thousands of USAID- funded food kits worth millions of dollars to ineligible beneficiaries (including HTS fighters) and submitted falsified beneficiary lists. The investigation resulted in USAID suspending the program and the NGO terminating the employment of dozens of individuals from March to May 2018.


The USAID watchdog agency has reportedly shared its findings with senior USAID, State Department, and National Security Council staff, ultimately triggering widespread systemic changes to the aid agency’s humanitarian assistance in Syria.


According to the DOD IG, its counterpart at USAID also found that the al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS group has infiltrated NGO recipients of U.S. aid, something the agency is actively investigating.


The Pentagon IG noted:


USAID OIG also investigated diversions of assistance to HTS in another NGO’s programs, which OIG suspected was perpetrated by NGO staff affiliated with the terrorist group. Although the investigation is ongoing, the implementer voluntarily suspended portions of its programs, adapted its program to the changing risk environment, and terminated some employees.


HTS jihadis have reportedly forced some NGO workers into diverting U.S. funds.


The Pentagon IG found:


In August 2018, USAID OIG referred its findings on the risks of humanitarian assistance being diverted to armed groups in northwestern Syria to USAID and briefed senior USAID officials. These risks included systemic coercion by HTS of NGO employees to assist in diversions; imposition of taxes, duties, and fees on USAID implementers and beneficiaries; HTS control of local councils and IDP [internally displaced persons] camp management that assist USAID implementers in identifying eligible beneficiaries; and implementers failing to adequately mitigate the threat to USAID programming from these armed group.


As a result of the USAID IG’s findings, the Trump administration had refused to approve aid in HTS-controlled areas as of October 2018.


“USAID also updated its risk analysis based on OIG findings and is engaging more closely with the U.S. interagency to mitigate risks from programming in northwest Syria,” the Pentagon watchdog agency added.


HTS mainly operates in its northwestern Syrian stronghold of Idlib province, where a deal reached between pro-opposition Turkey and Russia, dictator Bashar al-Assad’s ally, has failed to push the jihadi group out.


Several analysts have determined that the al-Qaeda branch in Syria is the terrorist group’s most robust wing.

Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3802269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2293 >>2298 >>2587

The Case That 9/11 Was an Israeli Attack on the US Is 'Overwhelmingly Strong' - Ron Unz



" … the attacks must have been the work of a highly sophisticated organization with access to advanced military technology …"


"Once we have concluded that the culprits were part of a highly-sophisticated organization, we can then focus on the Who and the Why, which surely would be of greater importance than the particular details of the How."


Back in 1999 I was invited to join Steve Sailer’s HBD email group, where I encountered all sorts of interesting people. The participants were mostly intellectuals or journalists having sharply heterodox views about racial differences, especially those involving IQ and crime, and this was reflected in the somewhat euphemistic title, which stood for “Human Bio-Diversity.” A reasonable sense of the controversial roster is that less than a year earlier a founding member named Glayde Whitney had contributed the Foreword to David Duke’s 700 page opus My Awakening.


Although the discussions were intended to focus on scientific matters, it sometimes seemed that half the heated arguments revolved around immigration, and on that highly contentious topic, I was invariably outnumbered around 99-to-1, with even the handful of self-proclaimed liberals regularly ranging themselves against me. Despite such apparently long odds, I regarded myself as always victorious in all those endless debates, though I would have to admit that 99% of the audience probably would have disagreed with my verdict.


Particularly contentious was the question of Hispanic immigrant crime rates, which I claimed were roughly the same as those of whites, a position that virtually all those professors and authors denounced as utter lunacy. That particular dispute went on for so many years that eventually I no longer even bothered to argue the case, but just every now and then provided some satirical jibes on the topic.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3802298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2338



In theoretical physics, new scientific breakthroughs often occur when known objects are found to behave in inexplicable ways, thereby suggesting the existence of previously unsuspected forces or particles. In evolutionary biology, when an organism appears to be acting against its own genetic interests, we may safely assume that it has probably fallen under the control of some other entity, typically a parasite, which has hijacked the host and is directing its activities toward different ends. While I couldn’t be entirely sure what was happening to the politics and media of my own country, something very odd and disturbing was certainly taking place.


Things soon became much worse. Since the 9/11 attacks had apparently been organized by Osama bin Laden and he was based in Afghanistan under Taliban protection, our attack on that country at least seemed rational. But suddenly there also soon appeared talk of attacking Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, which made absolutely no sense whatsoever.


At first I couldn’t believe what was taking place, simply awed by the breathtaking power and dishonesty of “our American Pravda,” with the establishment media so easily transforming black into white and night into day. Once again, quoting from my original article of that title:


The circumstances surrounding our Iraq War demonstrate this, certainly ranking it among the strangest military conflicts of modern times. The 2001 attacks in America were quickly ascribed to the radical Islamists of al-Qaeda, whose bitterest enemy in the Middle East had always been Saddam Hussein’s secular Baathist regime in Iraq.


Yet through misleading public statements, false press leaks, and even forged evidence such as the “yellowcake” documents, the Bush administration and its neoconservative allies utilized the compliant American media to persuade our citizens that Iraq’s nonexistent WMDs posed a deadly national threat and required elimination by war and invasion. Indeed, for several years national polls showed that a large majority of conservatives and Republicans actually believed that Saddam was the mastermind behind 9/11 and the Iraq War was being fought as retribution. Consider how bizarre the history of the 1940s would seem if America had attacked China in retaliation for Pearl Harbor.


True facts were easily available to anyone paying attention in the years after 2001, but most Americans do not bother and simply draw their understanding of the world from what they are told by the major media, which overwhelmingly—almost uniformly—backed the case for war with Iraq; the talking heads on TV created our reality.


Prominent journalists across the liberal and conservative spectrum eagerly published the most ridiculous lies and distortions passed on to them by anonymous sources, and stampeded Congress down the path to war.


The result was what my late friend Lt. Gen. Bill Odom rightly called the “greatest strategic disaster in United States history.” American forces suffered tens of thousands of needless deaths and injuries, while our country took a huge step toward national bankruptcy. Economics Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and others have estimated that with interest the total long-term cost of our two recent wars may reach as high as $5 or $6 trillion, or as much as $50,000 per American household, mostly still unpaid.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3802338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368



However, by the end of 2008 my focus had begun to change. Bush was leaving office without having started an Iranian war, and America had successfully dodged the bullet of an even more dangerous John McCain administration. I assumed that Barack Obama would be a terrible president and he proved worse than my expectations, but I still breathed a huge sigh of relief every day that he was in the White House.


Moreover, around that same time I’d stumbled across an astonishing detail of the 9/11 attacks that demonstrated the remarkable depths of my own ignorance. In a Counterpunch article, I’d discovered that immediately following the attacks, the supposed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden had publicly denied any involvement, even declaring that no good Muslim would have committed such deeds.


Once I checked around a little and fully confirmed that fact, I was flabbergasted. 9/11 was not only the most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, but may have been greater in its physical magnitude than all past terrorist operations combined. The entire purpose of terrorism is to allow a small organization to show the world that it can inflict serious losses upon a powerful state, and I had never previously heard of any terrorist leader denying his role in a successful operation, let alone the greatest in history.


Something seemed extremely wrong in the media-generated narrative that I had previously accepted. I began to wonder if I had been as deluded as the tens of millions of Americans in 2003 and 2004 who naively believed that Saddam had been the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks. We live in a world of illusions generated by our media, and I suddenly felt that I had noticed a tear in the paper-mache mountains displayed in the background of a Hollywood sound-stage. If Osama was probably not the author of 9/11, what other huge falsehoods had I blindly accepted?


A couple of years later, I came across a very interesting column by Eric Margolis, a prominent Canadian foreign policy journalist purged from the broadcast media for his strong opposition to the Iraq War. He had long published a weekly column in the Toronto Sun and when that tenure ended, he used his closing appearance to run a double-length piece expressing his very strong doubts about the official 9/11 story, noting that the former director of Pakistani Intelligence insisted that Israel had been behind the attacks.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3802368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403



With so many gaping holes in the official story of the events seventeen years ago, each of us is free to choose to focus on those we personally consider most persuasive, and I have several of my own. Danish Chemistry professor Niels Harrit was one of the scientists who analyzed the debris of the destroyed buildings and detected the residual presence of nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive compound, and I found him quite credible during his hour-long interview on Red Ice Radio.


The notion that an undamaged hijacker passport was found in an NYC street after the massive, fiery destruction of the skyscrapers is totally absurd, as was the claim that the top hijacker conveniently lost his luggage at one of the airports and it was found to contain a large mass of incriminating information. The testimonies of the dozens of firefighters who heard explosions just before the collapse of the buildings seems totally inexplicable under the official story. The sudden total collapse of Building Seven, never hit by any jetliners is also extremely implausible.


Let us now suppose that the overwhelming weight of evidence is correct, and concur with high-ranking former CIA intelligence analysts, distinguished academics, and experienced professionals that the 9/11 attacks were not what they appeared to be. We recognize the extreme implausibility that three huge skyscrapers in New York City suddenly collapsed at free-fall velocity into their own footprints after just two of them were hit by airplanes, and also that a large civilian jetliner probably did not strike the Pentagon leaving absolutely no wreckage and only a small hole. What actually did happen, and more importantly, who was behind it?


The first question is obviously impossible to answer without an honest and thorough official investigation of the evidence. Until that occurs, we should not be surprised that numerous, somewhat conflicting hypotheses have been advanced and debated within the confines of the 9/11 Truth community. But the second question is probably the more important and relevant one, and I think it has always represented a source of extreme vulnerability to 9/11 Truthers.


The most typical approach, as generally followed in the numerous Griffin books, is to avoid the issue entirely and focus solely on the gaping flaws in the official narrative. This is a perfectly acceptable position but leaves all sorts of serious doubts. What organized group would have been sufficiently powerful and daring to carry off an attack of such vast scale against the central heart of the world’s sole superpower? And how were they possibly able to orchestrate such a massively effective media and political cover-up, even enlisting the participation of the U.S. government itself?


The much smaller fraction of 9/11 Truthers who choose to address this “whodunit” question seem to be overwhelmingly concentrated among rank-and-file grassroots activists rather than the prestigious experts, and they usually answer “inside job!” Their widespread belief seems to be that the top political leadership of the Bush Administration, probably including Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, had organized the terrorist attacks, either with or without the knowledge of their ignorant nominal superior, President George W. Bush.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3802403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2443



America and most of the world certainly did not, and the disastrous legacy of that fateful day have transformed our own society and wrecked many other countries. The endless American wars soon unleashed have already cost us many trillions of dollars and set our nation on the road to bankruptcy while killing or displacing many millions of innocent Middle Easterners. Most recently, that resulting flood of desperate refugees has begun engulfing Europe, and the peace and prosperity of that ancient continent is now under severe threat.


Our traditional civil liberties and constitutional protections have been drastically eroded, with our society having taken long steps toward becoming an outright police state. American citizens now passively accept unimaginable infringements on their personal freedoms, all originally begun under the guise of preventing terrorism.


I find it difficult to think of any country in the world that clearly gained as a result of the 9/11 attacks and America’s military reaction, with one single, solitary exception.


During 2000 and most of 2001, America was a peaceful prosperous country, but a certain small Middle Eastern nation had found itself in an increasingly desperate situation. Israel then seemed to be fighting for its life against the massive waves of domestic terrorism that constituted the Second Palestinian Intifada.


Ariel Sharon was widely believed to have deliberately provoked that uprising in September 2000 by marching to the Temple Mount backed by a thousand armed police, and the resulting violence and polarization of Israeli society had successfully installed him as Prime Minister in early 2001. But once in office, his brutal measures failed to end the wave of continuing attacks, which increasingly took the form of suicide-bombings against civilian targets.


Many believed that the violence might soon trigger a huge outflow of Israeli citizens, perhaps producing a death-spiral for the Jewish state. Iraq, Iran, Libya, and other major Muslim powers were supporting the Palestinians with money, rhetoric, and sometimes weaponry, and Israeli society seemed close to crumbling. I remember hearing from some of my DC friends that numerous Israeli policy experts were suddenly seeking berths at Neocon thinktanks so that they could relocate to America.


Sharon was a notoriously bloody and reckless leader, with a long history of undertaking strategic gambles of astonishing boldness, sometimes betting everything on a single roll of the dice. He had spent decades seeking the Prime Ministership, but having finally obtained it, he now had his back to the wall, with no obvious source of rescue in sight.


The 9/11 attacks changed everything. Suddenly the world’s sole superpower was fully mobilized against Arab and Muslim terrorist movements, especially those connected with the Middle East. Sharon’s close Neocon political allies in America used the unexpected crisis as an opportunity to seize control of America’s foreign policy and national security apparatus, with an NSA staffer later reporting that Israeli generals freely roamed the halls of the Pentagon without any security controls.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.3802443   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Cont. from images:


One might speculate that if supposed Islamic terrorists had followed up their 9/11 attacks by attacking and destroying the Mexican parliament building a month later, Latin American support for America’s military invasions in the Middle East would have been greatly magnified. Furthermore, any scenes of such massive destruction in the Mexican capital by Arab terrorists would surely have been broadcast non-stop on Univision, America’s dominant Spanish-language network, fully solidifying Hispanic support for President Bush’s military endeavors.


Although my growing suspicions about the 9/11 attacks stretch back a decade or more, my serious investigation of the topic is quite recent, so I am certainly a newcomer to the field. But sometimes an outsider can notice things that may escape the attention of those who have spent so many years deeply immersed in a given topic.


From my perspective, it seems that a huge fraction of the 9/11 Truth community spends far too much of its time absorbed in the particular details of the attacks, debating the precise method by which the World Trade Center towers in New York were brought down or what actually struck the Pentagon. But these sorts of issues seem of little ultimate significance.


I would argue that the only important aspect of these technical issues is whether the overall evidence is sufficiently strong to establish the falsehood of the official 9/11 narrative and also demonstrate that the attacks must have been the work of a highly sophisticated organization with access to advanced military technology rather than rag-tag band of 19 Arabs armed with box-cutters. Beyond that, none of those details matter.


In that regard, I believe that the volume of factual material collected by determined researchers over the last seventeen years has easily met that requirement, perhaps even ten or twenty times over. For example, even agreeing upon a single particular item such as the clear presence of nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive compound, would immediately satisfy those two criteria. So I see little point in endless debates over whether nano-thermite was used, or nano-thermite plus something else, or just something else entirely. And such complex technical debates may serve to obscure the larger picture, while confusing and intimidating any casually-interested outlookers, thereby being quite counter-productive to the overall goals of the 9/11 Truth movement.


Once we have concluded that the culprits were part of a highly-sophisticated organization, we can then focus on the Who and the Why, which surely would be of greater importance than the particular details of the How. Yet currently all the endless debate over the How tends to crowd out the Who and the Why, and I wonder whether this unfortunate situation might even be intentional.


Perhaps one reason is that once sincere 9/11 Truthers do focus on those more important questions, the vast weight of the evidence clearly points in a single direction, implicating Israel and its Mossad intelligence service, with the case being overwhelmingly strong in motive, means, and opportunity. And leveling accusations of blame at Israel and its domestic collaborators for the greatest attack ever launched against America on our own soil entails enormous social and political risks.


But such difficulties must be weighed against the reality of three thousand American civilian lives and the subsequent seventeen years of our multi-trillion-dollar wars, which have produced tens of thousands of dead or wounded American servicemen and the death or displacement of many millions of innocent Middle Easterners.


The members of the 9/11 Truth movement must therefore ask themselves whether or not “Truth” is indeed the central goal of their efforts.



Anonymous ID: 847245 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3802542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2585 >>2586 >>2590 >>2665 >>2683 >>2849 >>2882 >>2896 >>2898

Survivor: 50-60 People at Borderline Bar and Grill Attack Wednesday — Were ALSO at Route 91 Attack in Las Vegas (VIDEO)


Thirteen people were killed last night at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California late last night.

The shooting took place at 11:20 PM Pacific Time.


Police Sgt. Ron Helus was shot dead after he entered the bar and grill. The unarmed doorman was also killed.

The shooter was later identified as Ian Long a former Marine.


After the shooting survivor Nicholas Champion said 50-60 survivors last night inside the country western bar and grill were also at the Route 91 concert last year during the mass shooting.

