Anonymous ID: a043d1 Nov. 8, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3802367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2564 >>2600 >>2602 >>2692 >>2754

Florida school board rams through transgender guidelines despite parental outrage


'SARASOTA, Florida, November 8, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-LGBT forces won a narrow victory Tuesday at the Sarasota County School Board, despite numerous parents attending a board meeting to express displeasure at both the content and handling of new guidelines for students suffering from gender confusion.


Released last month and devised by an “LGBTQIA Task Force,” the guidelines (download link here) purport to help “make each Sarasota K-12 public school a safer place for all students – with particular emphasis on LGBTQIA community of students.”


The document defines “gender” as a “social construct” different from “biological sex”; calls for addressing “transgender” students by their “name and gender requested” and allows them to wear whatever clothes match their “consistently asserted gender identity”; and guarantees them “equitable” access to extracurricular activities and programs.


More significantly, it also pledges to accommodate students “who want to use the locker room in accordance with their consistently asserted gender identity,” as well as to guarantee their inclusion in overnight field trips.


“Accommodations may be made for any student with privacy concerns (i.e., a bathroom stall with a door), a slightly modified schedule, or a separate changing schedule,” it adds. Transgender participation in overnight trips “can require some planning to ensure affirmed name, gender pronouns, room assignments, chaperones and showers are accurate and aligned with the student’s core gender identity.”


Despite vague commitments to address “safety” and “privacy concerns,” the guidelines do not specifically guarantee a student’s right not to share intimate facilities with members of the opposite sex.'

Anonymous ID: a043d1 Nov. 8, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3802778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2808

After Losing Re-election, Judge Retaliates by Releasing Virtually All Juveniles Who Agreed Not to Kill Anyone


"He was releasing everybody," public defender Steven Halpert told The Houston Chronicle. "Apparently he was saying that's what the voters wanted."


Devlin, a Republican, lost his re-election Tuesday after Democrats captured the benches in 59 local courts. He had earned a reputation as a judge who favors incarceration—the number of kids sent to juvenile detention doubled in recent years, despite falling elsewhere in Texas, according to The Chronicle.



Anonymous ID: a043d1 Nov. 8, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.3802806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2826 >>2827 >>2861

CDC Director: Congo’s Ebola Outbreak May Not Be Containable


Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that people need to be prepared for the worst. Redfield said the Democratic Republic of Congo’s newest Ebola outbreak may not be containable.


Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore, said that if the Ebola outbreak becomes endemic in the Congo’s North Kivu province, it shows “we’ve lost the ability to trace contacts, stop transmission chains and contain the outbreak.” In this situation, Ebola could spread, which could negatively impact both trade and travel, according to a report by Becker’s Hospital Review.


“I do think this is one of the challenges we’ll have to see, whether we’re able to contain, control and end the current outbreak with the current security situation, or do we move into the idea that this becomes more of an endemic Ebola outbreak in this region, which we’ve never really confronted,” Dr. Redfield told The Washington Post.


According to The Washington Post, if international Ebola containment efforts fail in the Congo, it would mark the first time the virus was not stopped since 1976 when Ebola was first identified. The current Ebola outbreak is going on its fourth month, totaling 300 cases and 186 deaths as of November 4th.


The problems with containment of this particular Ebola outbreak stem from the fact that the disease is spreading in an active war zone with several armed groups attacking health officials, government aids and civilians. Some civilians with Ebola have refused treatment, and health care workers are still being infected. About 60 to 80 percent of new cases do not show an epidemiological link to prior cases.


The daily rate of new Ebola cases had more than doubled in early October. In addition, there is community resistance and a deep mistrust of the government as the raging outbreak continues to spread through an active war zone. The World Health Organization (WHO), CDC and other international health organizations say they are worried about the current Ebola outbreak spreading to port cities like Butembo, which will only exacerbate infection transmission rates.


Will it make it to the U.S. ? GOD I hope not.