Broward County consistently breaks the law and never has their ballots counted by the deadline. If you recall in the 2016 election, all of FL had been counted but they hadn't until very late. When they realized they couldn't manufacture enough votes to overcome the rest of the state without raising major red flags, they finally got them all counted. A judge also ruled they destroyed ballots in that election. (Debbie Wasserman Schultz' district)
They and Palm Beach County are now are making votes for Gillum and Nelson appear out of nowhere, which means the margin is being narrowed to the point of a recount. This is what they do, they wait for the count of all other counties and then magically find enough votes for either an overturn or a recount. There also are other irregularities, Broward has 24,000 more votes for governor vs the Senate race. They knew they wouldn't get the senate so they focused on the governor race.
Palm Beach County also was monitored by the DOJ this election.
It's totally fuckery and if Qteam is indeed watching the polls and has a FISA warrant on those involved, this where they should start. It was totally predictable.