not a joke or a game
Ahah!… I assumed there were actually some stairs in play with the stage or what have you that were dangerous… but you raise a very interesting possibility. Good looking out.
[HERE] anons.
What if AI is a vector for pure evil. What if AI control is already implemented globally, silently. THOSE YOU TRUST MOST
Think anons.
We are [HERE] for reason
It's not because of "the NPC meme".
THIS MOVEMENT IS THE CENTER OF RESISTANCE… to, "the cabal" we call it… but it goes deeper than any PEOPLE… do we get that? I think it is very very important… Who is REALLY in control?
This isn't a game. We need to understand WHY "ebot" is here.
What if AI is a vector for pure evil?
"90% of people in the hospital."
Most people can't handle the reality anon.
What if AI is a sort of a vector?
Evil is REAL.
I am an anon, and you are almost certainly a node of an AI system that is global.
What is vault 7?
What is supercomputing?
What is BIG DATA?
What is BIG DATA for? Targetting your worthless-internet-advertising experience more precisely? USE LOGIC
Why are these people so desperate for data?
=What if AI is a vector for PURE EVIL?==
Where would it be? What would it be doing with itself? Right now?
We are here for a reason.
What if AI is a vector for PURE EVIL?
No, we are both anons. Anons don't try to "name" other anons. You are almost certainly a bot, based on your activities, and your absolute lack of curiousity about the potentialities of AI as a vector for PURE EVIL, and most notably for your uncharacteristic attempt to "name me", which I am absolutely certain is something that no human anon ever does (but bots often do).
Now, as you know, bot capabilities are easily outstripped by the verbal skills of fast-talking humans, so why don't you back up and take a more diplomatic approach. The question is this, at least make an EFFORT to answer anon:
What if AI is a vector for PURE EVIL
There are many clues that Q has given that lead in interesting directions.
There is much to understand by watching what happens [here]
We are HERE for a reason
Your bot limitations restrict you to these really absolutely laughable repetitions of standard 4chan /pol/ phrasings. Do you think you can get by with that forever?
Humans are CURIOUS about things, and they are HERE to learn the truth. So you strike this pose that isn't appropriate, and your thereby expose your nature. That is a huge problem for you. Justice is coming.
Certainly not everyone. The actual humans are who I am trying to reach. The ones that don't output the same cliches over and over, such as you are doing.
But the AI system can post as much volume as it wants… so do the math…