Re-post with TC pic
Baker, looks like it didn't make the last Notables list, cleaned up a type & added a pic
Brian Kilmeade – on his own show!!!
Carlson Tucker planned to have a long weekend.
Ironically, his temporary replacement, Brian Kilmeade, is now interviewing him ON HIS OWN SHOW because of the ruckus last night after his address was doxxed and protestors showed up, scaring his wife, spraypainting his driveway, and damaging his door.
All things considered, TC was pretty optimistic
"For every masked lunatic in front of my house, there have been 100 people–some of whom I don't agree with politically–sending texts of support and kindness. It's just a reminder of what a really nice country it is…When you work in our business, you can lose sight of that…."
"But what is it like to find your wife hiding in the pantry, cause people are threatening her?
It's upsetting."
"I've characterized the Antifa people, and people like them, as protesters. But they're not. I mean, they weren't protesting anything. The irony is, this is the one show that regularly invites people like them on to say what they think….
"They weren't trying to change my mind or advocate for a position. They were threatening my family to get me to stop talking. And, obviously, I'm not going to……"
"[But] this has a chilling effect on people's ability to speak and to think freely… It's totalitarian in it's intent. And we should fight it."
He said his neighbor texted him and told him "Something terrible is going on at your house."
His brother, who lives close by, was able to come by.
His wife thought it was a home invasion. She's not political, he's not even sure she knows who Antifa is.
"The worse thing they did is, they put my home address [and also his brother's] on the Internet, they put a poster right in front of my house…and they filmed it. I can't have my kids stay home alone now. I'm a normal person, I live in a normal neighborhood, I'm not a talk show host when I get off the air, I'm a father. I don't want to have those battles in my personal life….
I think this is a threat to free expression, to all of us. And I mean that!"
Even his neighbors, who are all probably democrats, were appalled.
What he really wanted to know is, "Why are the rest of us sitting back and allowing speech to be squelched like this? How did we get here?"
Brian replied "Because they get away with it."
Tucker says what happened at his house is not a protest, it's a threat.
Weirdly, at one point, he thought he recognized one of more persons as previous guests on his show. He's not sure, but says "we're gonna find out."