Q makes me NOTHING. I do what I please and see to be Right and Fit.
Giuliani AG/Kobach AAG.
KEK!! I'm on my 4th account. Good work Anon!!
We need paper ballots that are fed into some sort of a machine IN FRONT OF US with live time results or our Voter ID's need to have a number, and our official ballots are embossed with that number and a hologram that the system picks up on.
No more "early voting."
No more fuckery.
Election day should be a HOLIDAY where we stop to take care of the most sacred of duties for Americans. ALL these other bullshit pagan holidays, and voting has become a fucking afterthought and complete FUBAR.
Enough is Enough.
The fuckery here in Colorado was interesting. People being told polling place were closed, and then they were opened at the last minute. When I voted in 2008 & 2012, there were TONS of places to vote in person, right close. 2016 was down to 4-5 spots, and now it's one per suburb basically. That's not right.
And God Bless the volunteers, but you get some really half assed people in there at times, and this SHOULD be the HIGHEST Priority to have the BEST Patriots on the case, not my 85 half deaf Granny, bless her heart.
We can do MUCH Better. And we WILL. We're Americans.
Totally possible.
To us it is. Or SHOULD be. This isn't dying out. Normies are firing away. They're engaged. They're PLAYING the Game. And whether we like it or not, we can't run a Nation at full steam with half the Nation not knowing WTF is REALLY going on. This is TRULY…..
Makes the MOST sense. That way it can't be pinned on Trump running her out. Then we nominate ACB and see what nonsense the left tries to fling at HER. Kek!!
Lemme guess, an undercover drug and weapons lord. KEK!!!
Also very possible. The women is filth. Pure filth.