Anonymous ID: 96a1b5 Nov. 8, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3810843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3806491 pb


It's yet another protest. We haven't been calling all the protests attempted coups. They're protests.


If they get to be trouble, and they might be, if Soros is paying them, arrest them. Or ignore them. Or kill them. Or kill Soros. Ignore them is the easiest solution. I don't see how yet more protests = coup. Kids got shot and killed at Kent State and Nixon won 49 states 2 years later.


"I guess Trump's doing a good job now, Anderson Cooper really doesn't seem to have much bad to say about Trump these days."


"Who is that guy in a uniform standing behind Cooper with a gun to his head? Whatever."


There are a wide variety of things that Trump can do to fix any problems. It's really doubtful that anything is going to be needed to be done. Something should be figured out about our media which must be in violation of the Sherman Anti Trust Act. The media MUST be diverse. The Government has forgotten that there shouldn't be any big media companies. When the Sherman Anti Trust Act was passed, there were no media oligopolies. They were pissed off about oil giants and railroad giants. But, really, except for price, railroads all do the same exact thing. There isn't really any great reason why a consumer really needs a diverse assortment of railroads. Or a wide and diverse array of gas stations. Gas, for the most part, is the same no matter who makes it, all the different gas companies, make gas that does power cars. In the Oil and the Railroad industries, and other raw materials industries, the reason you wanted to avoid oligopolies and monopolies is that monopoly industries have the power to charge more than the price would be in a free market. But a media monopoly is so many times more dangerous than a Oil, Railroad or Steel, or Cotton or whatever basic thing, monopoly.


"Sorry guys, we've dropped the ball there for quite a few years, there are a lot of very very oligopolistic huge industries, because of their specialness of type, have gotten way way way too consolidated. Best media is local media. We gotta break all these companies up."


The Supreme Court could say that. You might call that nonsense, and perhaps it is. But the Supreme Court has made nonsense into law before. The 1st Amendment refers to an establishment of religion. States were free to establish their own religion. States DID establish their own religion. The entire reference to an establishment of religion meant that the Fed Gov could not fuck with states if they wanted to establish a religion.


And now, the Supreme Court says that the states can't do exactly what the 1st Amendment was designed to protect. Complete bullshit. But (((they))) wanted what they wanted.


Ginsburg has got to be on her way out. And Breyer isn't young, he's 80. The next oldest is Clarence Thomas at 70. Assuming Trump wins in 2020, which is typical of incumbents, incumbents typically win, there's a good chance of 7-2, and Trump should pick strong conservatives who don't like the errors the S Ct made, and want to fix them. 7 strong conservatives, bye bye R v W, bye bye Everson. Bye bye a lot of stuff, lot of stuff needs fixed.