I have seen similar things in several elections - and have never seen it properly addressed or corrected.
There are some precincts that vote 100% democrat, or have 105% voter turnout. That is statistically impossible.
I have seen similar things in several elections - and have never seen it properly addressed or corrected.
There are some precincts that vote 100% democrat, or have 105% voter turnout. That is statistically impossible.
and over 100 percent voter turn out
The machines can do that by not counting a vote as a full one but as a number less than one and another as greater than one so all the ballots add up to a round number. That came out about the Soros Machines before the 2016 election.
The problem with this election tampering is that it will take a central base organization to stop it. That would be DHS having every voters data and though that might be ok right now it may be very bad when the political pendulum shifts.
The Judiciary does not have the rolls and data. Just rules on conflicts.
Lawsuits flying right and left and the Judiciary had to rule on some fine points of what was a valid vote and not stuff like that.
They have the roles and know who did and did not come into vote. Valid possibility with no oversight.
Check in when vote. Some states make you sign your name. It would take signature comparison or contacting a large sampling of voters to see if they actually voted to discover if there was election fraud going on.