>UrgAct 8888 uniform logos
Urgent Account for 8 uniform logos (like officer outfits?)
my best guess anyways.
>UrgAct 8888 uniform logos
Urgent Account for 8 uniform logos (like officer outfits?)
my best guess anyways.
Anon your idea makes a whole lotta sense!
I was thinking they worked inside, tried stealing 411 & got caught red handed then tried running.
Enter Q with the most EPIC smack down!
I'm luvin it!
Also Q & compatriots I've been praying for you all evening. I hope all is well with you and yours!
God speed & God Bless!
That's why her Hubby is there often doing the most talking. She "speaks" a little and it's obviously her parroting. It's a shame and a sham! I find this immediately jump on gun laws stuff disrespectful. Which is why I suspect they bring out past victims for bonus sympathy points. It's just gross really