two breads ago old…
Seems to be the exact website Q was pointing too. Some interesting unclassified documents, like pic related. But I don't know what the rest of the website is for. An anon pointed out that it makes q-crumbs legal. civilian-military ops.
Well… This could very well be why was suspended…
We are their supervision.
I see. So there is always a spike in either tor usage or securedrop usage around 4am.
Him too?
And it happened to be from "Hong Kong". Wow. I can't believe I missed this. Neither side of twitter spoke about it yesterday. Or maybe I'm not following the right people!
>You are missing the connections.
Where do we go to get back on track?
>Continue to build the MAP.
Does the map have to do with Lists? like resignations? etc?
>MAP provides the KEY.
Is the key the purpose? the goal?
>KEY spreads the TRUTH.
Once we get the Key we can start spreading the truth.
>TRUTH shines LIGHT.
Once people are confronted with the truth, their minds begin to open.
With minds open, we can finally fight back where it hurts.
>Future proves past.
Do future Q crumbs help unlock past q-crumbs?
>Trust the plan.
Doing my best to trust. Isn't my strongest suit at the moment.
But thank you for getting us anons involved.
God Bless!