Good evening anons. I just thought of something interesting after reading a post about how the MSM, specifically the NYT, were ramping up their smear game against Whitaker. Where do they get their background info on whoever they intend to smear? Think about it, unless they have some special insider info or are being fed the info, they basically have to do the same thing we've been doing, dig. If they are digging and Q team is watching everthing…see where I'm going with this?
I keep laughing how liddle Jimmy sits down when POTUS starts to come around the podium. I have to watch that part over and over because it's just so damn funny.
KEK. Yup, he gave it to that girl real quick. It would have been so epic if POTUS had grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and physically tossed him out. It wouldn't happen, but oh man what a sight it would have been.