Anonymous ID: 066c19 Nov. 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.3813712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861


People gotta move at proper redpillin' pace.

You don't start with Dracos

Gotta start with Gerrymanderin/election fraud

Type of stuff comedians would joke about

Million dollar margarita machine type shit

Then hit up the audit at pentagon day before nine eleven

Then War is a Racket



Then Pedos


All the while ya gotta remind people that God is Love

Can you imagine your own awakening timeline maginified by a couple billion people all dealing with that same internal struggle all at once while the earth keeps vibin' faster and faster beneath them.

I mean horee fook

Anonymous ID: 066c19 Nov. 9, 2018, 1:12 a.m. No.3814063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WWG1WGA means you are the farthest thing from "your little nobody self" you are an equal part of all that is

You are here now

Also, you are loved