I thought the big bad Dems won their prize?
Ahh, there's your problem.This isn't a fortune telling board.
It's a research board.
fuck yourself off to a fortune telling board, if that's what you want.
If you can't understand shit that basic, you're probably either a retard, or a clown.
Or both.
You're about to lose something you like is what it sounds like.
Mostly because you're not trying to blend in anymore.
Desperation does that.
You sound like you got tricked into fucking your traitorous friends, and now you're pissed..
So you came here to vent because you know why you got tricked into fucking over your pedo friends.
I think it's possible I may have it hit a nerve.
I think you're lying.
Why you ask? The only one crying in redtext here is you ;)
FWIW Pence has toed the President's line the entire time, so until he does something that proves otherwise, he's a patriot.
>When the Satanists infiltrate an organization, they usually focus on the top leaders but keep the rest of the organization filled with sheep for cover
> โฆ Personally, I think that tests which detect psychopaths and sociopaths will be the key.
This is a valuable set of comments.
So the drops interest you. They obviously must if you have copies of them to spam here.
Judging by your output, it would seem that you have this catalog of drops for one of two reasons:
1) you are a researcher, and have data. (kek, yeah right.)
2) you are a shill, and have notes so you don't sound like a complete idiot.
I'm going with door 2), Montyโฆ. And you still look like a complete idiot.
Doesn't matter. Gut feels are there to get you out of danger. It's the most basic sense that you're born with.
It's up to you what actions to take based on that.
kekโฆ the operators are at the mercy of what /cm/ does to the API, to a degree. If /cm/ were to ever get his hands on their user.js, [they] would be done.
What went on with ebot the other night makes me wonder if the operators are noticing stuff breaking.
You'er sperging on the same narrow window of shit you think will trigger us.
It means you have nothing but FUD :)
Yes, we know you have copies of everything.
You need them for your job here.
I still think you're overpayed because you're a bag of tools.
>Okay well idk what that first image proves? can you explain it to me. Are you saying Alex Jones is working for the CIA or something?
AJ โ Proveho โ mossad
>I think Jones clearly says he works with elements within the US government to obtain information and help who he considers patriots. Is that all incorrect?
Controlled opposition
>Also so is Sessions good or bad? it seems like he is dogshit so why did Qanon endorse him?
Sessions was a stalking horse put in place to get prosecutons lined up for the Senate actions.
Because the Senate controls the comittees.
(Later is these next two years.)
>Do they think its worth it to do all this evil shit for a global government?
Yes. [They] all serve Satan.
Just as a Patriot will die for God and Country, a Traitor will die for globalism and Satan.
The main difference is that Traitors will kill innocents and break laws to attain [their] goals.
Post counts =/= projection.
I normally don't post this much in a bread but I felt like fucking with some of the opersโฆ
If it makes you feel any better, all of us would have been on a list, and killed by now, if Hillary had won.
[They] are actively trying to kill the world. We are in the way.
>Donโt talk fucking stupid
Speak for yourself. There is too much evidence that supports my statement, and much of it isn't even on this board.
>Autists can't be brainwashed, that's why they are 'different' or feel like 'outsiders'.
You know.