Snap out of it anon
What was said that is not true?
Absurd since it was BHO EO which expired. Would be easy for SCOTUS
No sauce nada
Clean job
Why cant she just post another vydia from security canera to shut them up?
Whats so difficult?
Huise just a thought on muchelle
If she misscaried that means she conceived but couldnt carry. How does artificial insemination help to carry? It helps to conceive. Am i misding smth?
Thats why i asked, jeese
Yes one step at a time about borrowed kids, imho
Whats so dif to understand
Her statement doesnt make sense cuz miscarriage means she can conceive
In vitro is done when cant conceive. Contradiction, get it finally
All i received in response was muchelle is a man
I dont care about that, its irrelevant
I was pointing at contradiction of muchelles statement