2 days until the country is unified. Get your popcorn its almost 11-11
There is actually a person who's job it is to wipe the queen ass after she goes to the bathroom.
Like polls matter….
I dont think that is the issue patriots are concerned with…or should be concerned with. Will that pipeline get your country back from the globalists? If not, it is irrelevant. Focus, tunnelvision….take country back from the politicians.
Old politicians never die…they just run again.
11-11 is the day of the military parade, the celebration of the red wave, and the unification of the country. What a big day it will be….
You have to be unemployed so hiring you lowers the unemployment rate. Patriots get the $7.50/ hour job and the globalist work for amazon for $15.00
Any idea how little a job would mean if Hillary had got elected? Or how little it might mean after the next election?