>>3815367 (lb)
I was part of the redistricting of Austin, Tx back in 2012 and I watched in horror as the Democrats took a city that was nearly 70% White and gave them 5 out of 10 Districts disenfranchising 20% of the White Vote and validating this action because Muh White Racism
They created a Gerrymeandered Majority Black Opportunity District because Federal Law says it is legal to discriminate against Whites in Voting Purposes. Still is btw
La Raza, NAACP, and other Non White Supremacist Groups and individuals were involved in this deliberate attempt to steal political control
I with a few others were able to convince the Democrats that they needed to create a District for University of Texas as a stealth way of giving Whites 6 districts for as equal representation as possible within a system that is designed from the bottom up to work against them.
Until We get over Muh Legacy of Voting Wrongs from 60+ years ago, We are allowing ourselves to be defeated