Anonymous ID: 1629d3 Nov. 9, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3818706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a twit patriot I follow that has taken a long video about the Mexican Caravans heading our way and broke it down into 5 parts for easier viewing.


What they had to say about it.

"What you will find in my breakdowns. Those that are marching in our direction now are robbing, raping, and car jacking as they head north. The President is really doing nothing about it. No big surprises to us really.


What you may find surprising though is that North Korea leader Kim Jong Un will be visiting there very soon and also Russia is making a big play there and apprently they may already have 1000's of tanks already stored there. Didnt see that coming did you? I sure didn't.


He touches on the rocks they are actually using to throw at our border patrol that have already killed one officer and put another in the hospital. Also touched upon are the Left politics that have created this mess and letting it happen, and also MS13."

Some pretty crazy shit and a lot of info from the guy on the ground


The video posted here is part 1 of the series


The sauce: