Emily too libtarded for qresearch.
The AL election Tues was 7 of 8 elections to R's by margins well 0ver 60%, so maybe AL was cleansed. No way Doug Jones wins there.
Q lost a whole lotta credibility with "The midterms are safe, Watch CA." Nope.
Bye Felicia.
This issue is being litigated by Andrew Miller.
This is all the result of lack of action by the DO "J."
Agenda 21
AL went WELL over 60% R on Tuesday. AL vote cleansed?
I've been resisting govt in all forms all my life. If 50% were like me, the state would have starved 25 years ago.
Gorka has no sauce.
This is what happens when we get excuses instead of effective justice. Chaos continues.
BUILD THE WALL/LOCK HER UP are demands, not suggestions.
Limit abortion/Build the wall.