How do you stupid ass qniggers feel about being so totally BTFO? Nigger loving boomer faggots. Death to israel.
We were telling you from day one this whole thing was bullshit. Day one.
The book was closed about as soon as it was opened, mouth breather. It was obvious bullshit from day one.
There is no other way to interpret it, you dumb faggot. You were being sold the same neocon agenda that has destroyed the country and you think you're on the brink of a revolutionary sea change! Q is for retards who think the Bush administration didn't go hard enough. You're irredeemable muppets.
You are beyond help. When nothing fucking happens in two days, you're just going to start ranting about the next deadline. The same way you people have done over and over and over.
I don't drink. I'm not a degenerate.
If even one of you "patriots" gets shaken out of your neocon jew stupor and wakes the fuck up, then it was worth it to drop a few comments. You'll get a full stop when you shill faggots stop cross posting your jew propaganda on /pol/.
Remember when Hannity shilled for bullshit jew wars that didn't do anything but get thousands of White men killed, flood the US with heroin, and pack every factory and warehouse with dirty spics to keep the wartime GDP afloat? Boy, what a patriot. Israel first!
How can you people be this dumb? Iran are the good guys.
Fuck israel, faggot. Their day is coming.