Anonymous ID: a590e9 Nov. 9, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.3820411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why are elections always stolen by the Dems?


Multiple answers:


a) They wouldn't win any other way


b) Its easy to 'take over' a county's board of electors by the George Soros'es of the world


c) 'Volunteers' are used and are easily stacked in favor of Dems or dishonest people being paid under the table to cause problems


d) It is really easy to fuck with elections on multiple levels:

  • 'Loose' power chords to machines so they have to run on battery power until they stop working

  • Tell people to dump ballots into a book depository outside a library because the library doesn't open until 12pm (after which they can be thrown away, destroyed or fucked with, depending on the whims of the person in charge - polling station judges are people and are not immune to doing whatever the fuck they want or what they are told to do)

  • Put election machines into a closet on the other side of the building to where the election hall is going to be and then 'loose' the key or 'forget' who has the key

  • Foreclose on the building where elections are going to be held and don't tell the people running the polling station

  • Have only 1 out of 5 scanners working at any location (to increase frustration and lines so that people give up and go home - this should be a criminal offense)

  • Make technicians 'unavailable' for whatever reason if scanners need to be serviced

  • Make the ballots too big for the machines to accept

  • Create confusion in the polling station (easy to do)

  • Hack the machines to flip votes (already proven that a 10 year old could do it)**

  • Give out wrong locations or incorrect addresses (one number wrong for example) for polling stations

  • Have a power outage

  • Intimidate people who have grievances

  • Poll workers ignoring the law and allowing illegals/non-citizens to vote

  • Racially abuse people who come to you with problems about their voting



Apart from the item with ** all the other points were actually done in this election. I know, because I was monitoring this board the whole day and other pages/news items as they came in and I reported what I was seeing to the DOJ. The impression I got that not many people did call the hotline yet it was made available here.


The ** item cannot be proven to have actually happened but was proven at a hacking convention.


We need the National Guard to do the electioneering or manning of polling stations. They would not tolerate this stuff and a lot of people would be put in jail if they were in charge and overseeing things. This election fuckery needs to stop once and for all and the fact that NOTHING is being done about means that there is no incentive to do anything about it at ALL levels of government. Or is this about to change??????