Anonymous ID: c74c4b Nov. 9, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.3819797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9807

So, I signed up for MoveOn's email notifications.

Here is the latest email from them. They seem desperate.

MoveOn email




Dear MoveOn member,


This is it: Donald Trump has just thrown our country into a full-blown constitutional crisis.


Yesterday, Trump forced Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. Then, he replaced Sessions with rabid loyalist Matthew Whitaker—who has made it clear in the past that his intention is to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 elections.


Whitaker, a Trump loyalist, is now poised to be Robert Mueller’s direct supervisor.


Let's be very clear: This is a constitutional crisis. Trump is desperate to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation, because he is afraid of what Mueller has uncovered and how many of Trump's closest cronies and even family members may be caught up in the probe—at the very moment that Democrats have regained control of the House and can now bolster Mueller's efforts with their own investigations.


MoveOn has been preparing for this day for months. After Tuesday’s election, many of us are bone tired. And we're running on fumes.


But once again, Donald Trump has underestimated the grit and heart of the Resistance—and of MoveOn members like you.


Our resistance was there the night after Trump was elected, holding candlelight vigils organized by MoveOn.


We were there at the Women’s March, filling the streets in Washington, D.C., and across the country, just one day after Trump was sworn in.


More than 100,000 of us were there tonight, at hundreds and hundreds of events across America, demanding Whitaker recuse himself, pressuring Congress to take action, and declaring that nobody is above the law.


And we will be there for as long as it takes.


Will you chip in $3 a week and help us respond to Trump's all-out war on our democracy? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)


Yes, I'll chip in weekly to fight back against Trump's all-out war on our democracy—and win.


No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.


More than 100,000 MoveOn members and Americans of all walks of life are taking to the streets tonight in hundreds of rapid-response events around the country, which MoveOn and allies have spent months preparing for. This is a huge first moment to show the national outrage in ways that will impact media coverage and push members of Congress of both parties to act quickly and decisively in defense of our democracy.


But these events are only the first step. We have the pieces in place, but we need support to supercharge this work, meet the surge in activism, continue our post-midterm advocacy, and confront this fundamental challenge to our Constitution.


Will you chip in $3 a week and help MoveOn respond to Trump's unrelenting attacks on our democracy? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)


Yes, I believe that no one is above the law, including the president. I'm ready to chip in weekly to fight back!


No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.



Anonymous ID: c74c4b Nov. 9, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.3819807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9937





MoveOn members have been on the front lines preparing for this moment. Here is what we have planned:


Emergency rallies tonight. Hundreds and hundreds of events have been taking place across the country, with more than 100,000 concerned citizens standing up and saying that no one is above the law. And we are demanding that our elected officials respond immediately to stop Trump now.

Calling on Congress to investigate Trump for impeachable offenses. Even some Republicans have said that interfering with the Mueller investigation would be an impeachable offense, and it is time they put their money where their mouth is. MoveOn first called for impeachment in 2017, and now we are dramatically expanding that work, engaging allies to join the fight, and pushing thousands of calls to Congress calling for impeachment proceedings to be initiated.

Working to immediately pass bipartisan legislation to protect Robert Mueller and the investigation. Legislation has been introduced in both the Senate and the House, but no votes are planned to actually pass it. We cannot wait. We are driving calls to Congress, promoting petitions, and planning events to demand a vote immediately. Some Republicans are even saying they'll join Democrats in demanding action on this legislation before the end of the year, and we need to build off of that momentum.

Preparing the next phase of actions. Tonight's rallies are only the beginning. The crisis we are in may last for months or more, which means we need to build a sustained and organized response that overwhelms the misinformation and lies from Trump and his cronies. That includes making this crisis a critical part of the incoming Democratically-controlled House agenda.


This is a huge undertaking, and we need your help to make it happen. Will you chip in $3 a week? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)


Yes, I'll chip in weekly and help with this enormous undertaking.


No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.


Back in March, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that if Trump fired Mueller or interfered with the investigation, it would be "the beginning of the end of his presidency."1


Trump essentially just pulled that trigger, and it is our responsibility to make sure that Lindsey Graham’s prediction comes true. It’s up to all of us to rise to the occasion. After all, our democracy is on the line.


Will you become a weekly donor today? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)


Yes, I'll chip in $3 a week.


No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.


Thanks for all you do.


–Anna, Kelly, Mark, Karthik, and the rest of the team



  1. "Graham: Trump firing Mueller would be 'the beginning of the end of his presidency,'" CNN, March 18, 2018


How do MoveOn weekly donations work? If you sign up to make a weekly donation through MoveOn, your weekly contribution will be billed once per month to your credit card, today and on the same day of every month going forward. To determine your monthly contribution amount, we will multiply the weekly amount of your donation by 4.34—the average number of weeks per month. You can cancel, modify, or request a full or partial refund of your recurring donation at any time.


Want to support make a one-time donation instead?


Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.


Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to…