hey dems all your voter fraud..guess what we on to ya..are you willing to go to jail..fucking been waining ya dumbfucks
>>3821264 thats all you got
So you dumbasses have been watching us…you think we did not know what you did with the elections..guess what …umm sux to be you
the old way is done..law and order..is the new way
>>3821288 Dude now that is fucked up ..spit my tea
to the voter shills are you willing to do the time?
the end justifies the means until its your ass going to jail
you willing to pay for them
you jail time..they walk….damn good deal
not like old days FBI coming
just dayum is it worth it
your family..you jail time..really
my mommy and daddy got busted by the Feds.its on johnny someone will give you birthday gifts
maybe Barry will……..not
we know you watch…….what you gonna do now..you are so out classed
yep {{{HE}} keeps kicking your ass ..how can that be
Never Never fuck with the Military…you lost game over
And to Lynn…we know what you are..guess what God wins..He is tired of your shit..The fallen are fallen..watch
Lynn they fell..the time is limited ..Gods rules getting close for that battle
You are the watchers..so are we..sorry your at that place..Tart….you did it asked for it you knew the rules
so now your pissed at the rules…you knew it coming in..guess what you loose
you did what you did to be gods…yes little g…..now all these years ..umm spanking tine
the perfect thing was the blood of Christ ..how did you miss that.DUH..all knowing one
the bringer of light….ha ha
you wanted to be like God….you got your ass smacked down…We Humans shall be elevated above you..suck it